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Before you, dear friends, are 4 different immigrants who moved (for the author’s convenience) to the Netherlands.1) Here is Sasha, better known to others as Sandra. She works, for example, in the Dutch office of Philips, the language is at the level. She has made local friends and arranges meetings with them, as expected, a month in advance. He knows what the main political parties are talking about and happily goes to all kinds of elections. At home, she doesn’t take off her street shoes and always has dinner at 6. The family celebrates Sinter Klaas on December 5 and Christmas on the 25th, dresses up in orange clothes for King’s Day and proudly hangs the Dutch flag over the house. The family language is Dutch, and when speaking Russian, the speech structures are quite funny (“I took such and such a train”, “my daughter is in the volleyball section”). 2) Meet Klava. It is not clear how, but she manages to live in the country on the reserves of her language, explaining herself in the supermarket and public transport in broken English (why did we take the Netherlands as an example, and not Brighton Beach?). He goes to a Russian store once a week to buy groceries. Her dentist and hairdresser are Russian-speaking, and she is a constant star at meetings of the Russian community. The TV is connected to the entire wealth of Russian channels, although there seemed to be some Dutch stuff there too, but not relevant. He travels to his homeland as often as possible and carries the usual goods from there in suitcases. He loves the New Year on the 31st very much, this is a real holiday - with Olivier, champagne and “The Irony of Fate”. He does not understand the Dutch and considers them strange creatures. At the same time, I somehow got settled and not to say that I was unhappy, thanks to good support from the Russian-speaking community.3) Now let’s take Slava. He never loved the country where he was born and raised, and he had serious reasons for this. But he didn’t settle into the new one, he couldn’t put down roots, and relations with the locals didn’t start (they somehow look at him unkindly, and why do all this). It seems that he is starting to learn the language, but the words do not stay in his memory, and there is no particular interest in local life. It works online, there is almost no communication. 4) And finally, Petya. He got used to it perfectly, knows how to solve any problem. It has 3 free languages ​​and answers automatically in the language in which the question is asked. Friends are a wild mix of different nationalities, but old comrades are in touch. Children go to Russian school on weekends, and, as expected, to Dutch school on weekdays, and they also answer in the language in which they were addressed. Sinter-Klass, Christmas and New Year are celebrated at home. Once a year, Slava’s family tries to fly home to see his parents. But the question somewhere on vacation “where are you from” confuses him. ********What is the difference between them? In their immigration strategy.* Sasha chose the style of ASSIMILATION. What does it assimilate with, what has it merged into? Entirely and completely into a new society, into a new culture.* Klava is in SEPARATION. She separated from the Netherlands, and brought a piece of Russia here and lives in it.* Slava chose the MARGINAL strategy. He is in free flight, so to speak. He broke away from his old roots, but did not take up new ones.* And finally, Petya preferred the INTEGATION strategy. What did he integrate with what? Old culture with new.*********Which strategy is better to follow, where are the advantages and what is right for YOU? We’ll discuss it in the next story. In the meantime, your task: what, in your opinion, is the formula for successful immigration?
