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From the author: Information about the march “Together against breast cancer” is published on the websites of the companies: Mentor, Johnson and Johnson, Vladmeditsina, Primamed, FEFU. The sixth charity march “Together against breast cancer” took place at the end of May in Moscow. The march was organized with the support of government bodies - the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Committee for Health Protection of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. On May 26, about 5,500 people from 40 cities marched through the central squares and streets of the capital. The procession ended with a festival of health and beauty, which took place in the Central Park of Culture and Recreation. Gorky and gathered more than 18 thousand participants. I am an oncology psychologist who works with women diagnosed with breast cancer. I was offered to speak at this event.... It so happened that I know this disease well, even too well. Twelve years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was young, then it seemed to me that this was the end, that after the operation no one would need me, that I had lost my attractiveness and this was forever. For me it was a disaster. Now, looking back, I understand how important the psychological attitude and the idea of ​​“how I will live next”, “how I will look” are. These important questions are asked by every woman who has once faced a cancer diagnosis. The diagnosis of breast cancer itself is a powerful stress factor. Chronic stress suppresses the functions of the immune system, which, in turn, can negatively affect the course of the disease. Therefore, the most important factor in the fight against cancer is a positive attitude, and its absence hinders recovery. Research has revealed the value of quality of life as a predictor of survival. Quality of life consists of the perception of the difference between the expected and actual results of treatment, correction of surgical symptoms, psychological and social support for the patient, and changes in the patient’s attitude towards the disease and treatment. Shown, according to the Russian Scientific Center named after N.N. Blokhin, the quality index is a more accurate indicator of prognosis than the indicator of the patient’s objective condition (!). Patients with better quality of life parameters live longer. Those. connecting internal psychological reserves leads to recovery. That is why a woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer really needs the support of not only family and friends, but also professional psychological help. Often family members are afraid that talking about the illness will only complicate the situation and upset the woman. Or they don’t know how to talk about it. In fact, talking about problems out loud usually helps relieve stress and reduce tension. Breast cancer currently has the most positive prognosis for survival. There are many highly effective methods that are reinforcing, auxiliary and supportive means for the basic treatment and rehabilitation of women with breast cancer. Our main task is to help women after mastectomy find the psychological and physical comfort necessary to fight the disease. Two factors contribute to this. Firstly, psychological support contributes to the development of communication skills; reconsidering life priorities; reduces anxiety and feelings of helplessness. And, secondly, for many patients it is important to know that it is possible to restore their attractiveness with the help of reconstructive surgery. This improves a woman’s quality of life and removes a number of issues that may delay the decision on the necessary surgical treatment. Remember, even if you have been diagnosed with cancer (an oncological diagnosis), this is not a reason to give up. The basis of recovery is the same for everyone - it is not a passive expectation of a cure, but an active, together with doctors, struggle for one’s health. And in this fight, psychologists, oncologists and plastic surgeons are always ready to help women regain their beauty and health. After all, life is what happens now, not!
