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After numerous letters from clients, things began to boil. I would like to draw your attention to the essence of what is happening. Where is she - the cherished female power, how to achieve success without stress.... etc. Tell me, as a woman, how much you can tolerate.... .... constant stress and dissatisfaction with oneself.... .... stupid the habit of trying to be a good girl and please everyone... ...then tormented by a feeling of guilt towards yourself and others for everything in the world... ...loss of strength and lack of desire... do you even remember that you have desires ? ....fear that once again everything will be “as always”...and it’s always usually bad... ...the thought “I can’t afford it”... Well, yes, one trip to the grocery store we leave hundreds and thousands... but it can be difficult to find 500 rubles for a webinar or consultation))) Surely you also smiled, even if with sadness... Women take on an exorbitant amount of everything, puff, strain, but stubbornly drag on. .. Everything for the family, for the future... You save, you endure... everything for the sake of someone and something... And our main female value is wealth... we miss it, we lose it in the bustle.. It’s amazing, why is there no happiness?! Your thoughts and feelings are either in the past or in the future... only the present passes at this time! While you are postponing life for later...the clock is ticking))) the end is closer and closer.... Yes, it didn’t turn out very positively, but it was truthful. Where's the free cheese? - in a mousetrap... A way of life from the category: Eternal expectation that a wizard will fly in in a blue helicopter and show a movie for free.... You collect bits and pieces of usefulness from mailings, books, videos on YouTube.... Like, why spend money, since can you find nashara?! You are missing one HUGE nuance... There are laws of conservation of energy... and so on... In short: You cannot pour into a full glass. To get something, you have to give something away, make room. Our life is inhalation and exhalation, giving and receiving. Just try to inhale....How much will you get? Burst))) The danger of freebies I tested it on myself and saw it on clients many times - the more I “exhaled” wanting to get a specific result, the faster and better it comes. The most expensive trainings are always the most effective and high. Not only because the specialists are cooler, but it also depends on our perception... and on the exchange of energy. If you get some training for free or conditionally free, then going through it is lazy, the value is low (that’s how we are designed). Also in relationships: if you want a lot of love, give a lot of love.... and don’t expect that they will kiss the sand for you..... They will... after you give out more of yourself. When a man lies before you...how long are you interested in him? Figurines...played around, and then started wiping my feet...Like an overfilled vessel...already sick...from the overabundance... No exchange, no harmony...Price of the price Exhalation can be carried out in different forms of energy manifestation: money, knowledge, service.... But you always pay! Realize this. Always. Even if they didn’t ask you for anything...then they will take it away...Maybe not this person, and not in the equivalent that you assume...but there is always an exchange. And it is much wiser to do it consciously and transparently... And do... Pay yourself, even when you didn’t ask. Be afraid of free stuff... the price for it is unknown to you....... And if you take it... give something in return. For example, after conducting free online seminars, I always ask people to write a review. This is an “exhalation” for the knowledge gained, for the information, so that it is absorbed and penetrated. Some people are too lazy to write, they just leave... Only their life forever remains the same as it was... unhappy. They roam the Internet like that, complaining about fate, in search of the unattainable... (unattainable for them) Are you not satisfied with your quality of life, your relationships?! Agree, if you have done something the same way all the time, it is strange to expect any different result. The path you took earlier led you to the point where you are now. But in order to rise higher, you need to start doing things differently! That's why I!
