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From the author: published on the website www.treningi.me “Great Power I Want” When I worked as a business coach, I first taught newcomers to negotiations one technique, not a business one at all. This technique allowed them to instantly feel confident and positive in negotiations and magically achieve their goals. The technique is extremely simple: when you are in an uncomfortable situation for you, think about WHAT YOU WANT AT THIS MOMENT OF TIME, regardless of the situation in which you are . Think about what your soul generally wants NOW. For example, being in a conflict, we think: now I WANT TO EAT AN ORANGE! And we begin to look at the conflict not from the inside, but as if from the outside, transporting ourselves to that moment in time where there is only you and the orange . You can even imagine this moment. Realizing our desires, we find contact with ourselves, become more aware, acquire, like some kind of magical resource for finding ourselves in a difficult situation. We think a lot about what is needed and very rarely about what is needed. what we want. The explanation for this is very simple. Today my three-year-old Eva said that she wanted candy instead of soup and cut her tights with scissors, because... The pleasure of cutting up the book "Pinocchio" seemed insufficient to her. What do you think the psychologist mother answered? Since childhood, we have been instilled with the word “need”, and we have ceased to be aware of what we want, thereby losing contact with a part of ourselves. And sometimes we stop wanting at all, remaining the same little child, who still won’t be given “What I “want,” but will be given “What I need,” and will also be scolded for “wanting.” But now we have grown up, and it’s time to return that our part of the soul, which in childhood defended its “I want”, itself, its selfhood by any means. Having found this part, we will become holistic, stronger, we will move in our own way, perhaps completely different from today’s “should”. and the results will not be long in coming. I also invite everyone to our free workshop “The Birth of Desires”. At this workshop we will “bring to light” all your desires and Dreams, we will separate the “true desires” from others (if for some reason they are mixed together with yours) and we will understand the MEANING of their fulfillment for you personally. By getting to know your true desires better, you will be able to understand your path, in which direction to move in the next 5 years. In addition, you will have the opportunity to “jump over” the gap that separates you. Your reality and what you want, to be there for a while and understand what we lack today in order to find ourselves in the desired future. And perhaps, understand the path along which you need to move in the present in order to get there.© 2010-2012 Center for Positive Psychology "SO!" Olesya Dobrovolskaya. All rights reserved. Full or partial publication of materials without a link to the source www.treningi.me is prohibited.
