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From the author: This article describes such a concept in psychology as a comfort zone. Important social problems of modern society are raised that are directly related to this concept. Full text of the article on the website: Surely many of you have repeatedly heard about such a thing as a comfort zone. It is quite difficult to give a clear definition of this psychological state of a person. For objective reasons. For example, a certain percentage of people in our modern society believe that a comfort zone is, first of all, an individual comfort zone of a person who, having reached it, ceases to be socially active, loses his purpose in life, avoids any difficulties, begins to think primitively and, as As a result, it slows down its development in all respects. Funny, right? But everything is in order. Let's try to analyze this concept in more detail and consciously, as well as structure it. I'll start from afar. What is purpose, purpose in life? What should it be like? What needs to be done to achieve this goal? After a long study of various Internet portals on this topic, I came to the conclusion that most people limit themselves to starting a family, buying a car, apartment, cottage, or organizing a profitable business. What motivates people who set similar goals for themselves? That's how it should be. That's how it's supposed to be. That's what people said. I need to ensure a comfortable old age for myself and my future family. I want to earn more than my neighbor. I want a car because now it is prestigious and fashionable. Familiar arguments, aren't they? People drive themselves into certain frameworks that society has imposed on them. We do it because we have to. It’s not for us, but for society. We have stopped taking into account our desires, our vision, our interests, our individual needs when choosing a life path. We are so tied to the subjective opinions of others that any attempt to disrupt the established social rhythm is perceived by people as disobedience, aggression, disagreement with generally accepted rules and norms, which must be stopped, eliminated, destroyed. Stereotypic thinking is rampant. And we are talking about individual human development? We live someone else's life, according to someone else's rules. We ignore our personal feelings. And then we complain that life was lived in vain, that there is emptiness inside us, while blaming the people who were next to us. Now let's think a little. The comfort zone is a person’s personal and inviolable living space, which is characterized by stability, peace of mind, absence of depression, panic, and fear. Yes, each individual has their own comfort zone. For some, this zone is their favorite job, for others it is a strong and friendly family, and for others it is both. We all inherently strive to find this zone. This is our nature. But here we are faced with the problem of colossal dependence on the opinion of society. As soon as a person creates a comfort zone, which, for one reason or another, differs even slightly from the generally accepted understanding and perception, society begins to exert very strong emotional and psychological pressure on him, citing the fact that he is weak, primitive, spineless , hopeless. Why? Yes, because he is different from them, he does not belong to those who live as “should”, as “prescribed”. We have forgotten that each person is, first of all, an individual personality, which in no case should be suppressed or controlled. We have forgotten about our inalienable right to build our lives the way we want. It is our life. Yes, we live in a society in which each of us has certain functions and basic responsibilities. But nothing more. Remember: your life is exclusively your life, at the end of which you may regret that you did not live it at all the way you wanted. Due to the fact that they could not find the strength to defend their point of view at the time. Don't make this mistake. Draw conclusions. Never.
