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From the author: The material was published on the author’s website. Society’s attitude towards the age difference between spouses is far from clear. Someone is FOR! - There would be love! Someone is categorically AGAINST, calling it perversion or moral blasphemy. How a relationship with a significant age difference between a man and a woman will develop largely depends on the situation, on life goals and on the characters of the spouses. When he is older than her. In our society It is culturally accepted that a man should be a little older in age. There are several reasons for this. The first is biological. The male body matures two to three years later than the female. Boys, starting from adolescence, lag behind girls in development for a certain period. Or, more correctly, their development follows a slightly different scenario. Secondly, the man is considered the head of the family. The main task of maintaining it falls on his shoulders. Although in our time a lot has changed, and women often take on greater responsibility. But during the period of giving birth and raising a small child, it is much more difficult for her to do this. Yes, genes, the subconscious, and deep-rooted traditions store the information of our ancestors about a man as the head of the clan. Therefore, when a girl gets married, she wants to have next to her a reliable, successful person who will be the support of her family. If the age difference is significant, and the relationship is not based on calculation: money, status, PR stunt... then there is a high probability that there are personal psychological reasons here! Often a girl, choosing a man much older than herself, experienced problems in her relationship with her father in childhood. Dad either did not take part in her upbringing at all, or was quite cruel, or emotionally cold. So the now grown-up girl still has an unconscious need. There may be other reasons. For example: problems communicating with peers. And then it is easier for a girl to find understanding and share interests with a respectable man... and others. A man, when choosing a young wife, sometimes feels insecure with women of his age. On the other hand, especially during age-related crises, he needs to raise his self-esteem, prove to himself and others that life is still ahead and he is capable of much. This choice is largely connected precisely with self-esteem and an adequate perception of oneself! When she is older than him. Also, considering the issue without a situation of calculation, we look for reasons in the personality of each spouse and in his history of childhood development. A man, choosing an older woman, subconsciously looks for a mother with whom he will feel confident, comfortable and stable. With this motive, young men exhibit childish behavior and are not ready to take responsibility in difficult situations. At the same time, they can be excellent lovers and easily guess the desires of their beloved (which often captivates a woman). Also, older women attract insecure men. Especially with his experience in sexual life. With such a wife or mistress, you can feel weak and ignorant - she is older and will teach you everything. And with a young girl, one should only be known as an experienced Don Juan. Strict authoritarian mothers turn their sons into insecure and dependent boys. So they then choose older women for themselves. Or his age, but with a relationship like with a son. Why does a girl choose a life partner younger than herself? Women have maternal feelings by nature. When they are hypertrophied, then her man also becomes a child. The girl needs to harmonize her maternal feelings and relationships with the opposite sex. Often women themselves suffer from excessive responsibility, which is taken away from men and placed on their shoulders. For a complete and happy perception of themselves, they definitely need to solve this situation! In choosing a man younger than themselves, the demographic factor also plays a significant role. As women reach a certain age, they are less and less surrounded by their peers. That is life. More boys are born, but they die too!
