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Communication has become an important component of human life. It takes up most of our time. However, many people often experience difficulties in communication; in psychology, such difficulties are usually called barriers. The reasons for their appearance may be different. Let's consider several main barriers to effective communication: - Motivational barrier. It arises if the interlocutors have different motives and contacts. For example, one person wants to share his problem, and the second, at the same time, wants to share another problem. In this case, everyone will talk about their own things and will not listen to the interlocutor, thereby this can lead to a quarrel. In this case, in order to avoid a conflict, it is necessary to indicate to the interlocutor your own motives: “I want you to listen to what happened to me!” If a person is ready to listen, then conflict will not happen. - Inability to listen. It is not enough to identify your problem; it is necessary that the interlocutor also knows how to listen. This inability is expressed in the fact that the partner wants to speak out at the moment when the other reports something. This is a very common problem; as a rule, people with such a barrier do not achieve success in life situations related to communication. In order to prevent this from happening, you need to learn not to interrupt your interlocutor when he expresses some thoughts, but to give him the opportunity to finish. - Logical barrier. It occurs when a person cannot clearly express his thoughts. This barrier is very closely related to the inability to listen. Each person is individual in his communication, he uses his own special forms of speech. The interlocutor’s task is to hear them and convey information in a form more understandable to the partner. - Barrier of incompetence. Sometimes, you may notice that your interlocutor says very stupid things from your point of view. This can make you angry, cause feelings of frustration and resentment. There are two options here: change the topic of conversation or unobtrusively explain to the person (so that he is not offended) that his statements are wrong. The choice of method is yours and mainly depends on the goals of the conversation. - Ethical barrier. It occurs when interlocutors have different moral positions. It is important to remember here that it is very difficult to change moral principles. It is best to change the topic of conversation or find a common compromise. - Barrier of interests. Occurs when the interlocutor has low interest in a given topic. If such a situation arises, then think about whether you need to continue the conversation and waste your time listening to unpleasant monologues that are uninteresting to you. - Barrier of feelings or empathy. It occurs when the interlocutor does not want to understand the feelings of another person. Sometimes, when we are very passionate about the topic of the conversation, we may not notice what mood the interlocutor is in, what sensations the topic of the conversation evokes; in order to get around this barrier, it is necessary to observe the interlocutor, his mood and feelings. - Attitude barrier. It occurs when one of the interlocutors or both partners have a negative opinion about each other before starting the conversation. In this situation, it is necessary to understand that such attitudes exist, and if they are false, then during the conversation, it is possible that you or your partner will understand that they are not supported by anything, in which case changes in the relationship towards your partner are possible in a positive direction.- Barrier to rudeness. Sometimes we come across people who are poorly mannered and show rude attitude towards you. End the conversation or endure it - it's your choice. It is very important to remember to remain polite in this situation to avoid conflict. There are many other barriers, but these are perhaps some of the most common. It is within the power of every person to smooth them out, for this it is necessary to adhere to the following rules: do not interrupt (listen to the end), if necessary, discuss not the person himself, but only his actions, use active listening techniques, always be friendly, do not be aggressive. Some techniques for effective communication can be learned by reading specialized).
