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In order to imagine the magnitude of a person’s emotional range, I propose a metaphor - “a palette of colors.” There are no good or bad colors in it, they are different and equally significant. Some people limit themselves to a basic set of 6 - 8 colors, there are those who use a large number of colors, and those who prefer shades of a certain color.​ Some people don’t even know some colors and don’t consider it necessary to use them. Our emotions are like paints - they can be simple and understandable or complex or “to suit everyone”. ​ Sometimes you can get confused in such diversity. Therefore, I propose to figure out what kind of feelings are in your “palette”. The division of feelings into bad and good is conditional; we can say that there are socially acceptable and unacceptable feelings. ​ So, experiencing joy in society is good, experiencing anger is not decent, and envy is generally shameful. This does not mean that a person, thanks to his upbringing, will stop experiencing negative feelings. He suppresses them without being able to react. Imagine, a boss yelled at a subordinate, but he has no opportunity to respond, his position is at stake. The working day has passed and he returns home, without a mood and with the thought that everything is over. But no, a slight trigger and ​ accumulated anger will fall on the one who ​ “comes into his hand.” The capabilities of our consciousness allow us to replace feelings. Examples from childhood: a caring mother says to her child: “How can you scream and fight like that, you’re a girl.” The girl draws conclusions, my activity is not approved, I will be offended.... “Boys don’t cry,” you can’t react with weakness. We transfer ​to ​the life of an adult man and get aggression, ​the only possible ​way not to succumb to one’s weakness. We can also repress feelings, in other words, not feel anything at all. Let’s say a person never gets angry, ​ ​ and ​ ​ mistakenly believes that ​ it is not at all necessary to ​ stand up for one’s rights. “A bad peace is better than a good war.” There are specialized courses to get rid of fear or shame. ​ It is impossible to become the best version of yourself in this way, feelings are inaccessible, but they are there (subtle plane of the psyche)​ and this creates vulnerability “I don’t know what I really am.” Feelings ​ can be divided into primary, secondary and adopted. Primary are emotions that color the situation in the moment. They can be short-term or day-forming, slightly noticeable or very active. ​ “The smile of a child ​ is a feeling of joy”, ​ “Criticism from superiors ruins the workday and causes anger” “Aromatic coffee gives satisfaction”, “An unpleasant event caused fear” Secondary are feelings with which a person cannot react in a situation. They go into the subtle plane of the human psyche and shape him as a person. For example, resentment experienced once in childhood forms resentment in any unpleasant situation. The lack of trust experienced in early forms of development (mom left when I needed it) can turn into pathological jealousy. Adopted is a state that is not part of a person’s life experience; it is transmitted to us from hereditary information according to the genetic code. Here we are talking about the generic system, of which man is a part. We carry the information of seven generations of our ancestors, inheriting not only appearance and character traits, but also energy, generic scenarios, and negative programs. These feelings are very strong and deep, sometimes they can be accompanied by obsessive thoughts and ruin a person’s life. ​ “I’m always to blame for everything...”, “I always want to cry, as if I’m in grief...”, “I don’t know why, but I have to...” A lot can be said about the adopted feelings, and I plan do this in the next article. ​ Read “Feeling by Inheritance».
