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I decided to remember my graduate work and share part of it here. My work was based on the concept of salutogenesis, which I will discuss later. The concept of salutogenesis was proposed by A. Antonovsky, who noted that some people, despite severe stress, were able to remain healthy. The concept of salutogenesis suggests that stress can provoke new adaptive responses rather than being pathogenic. In other words, the reaction and outcome of a stressful situation depend on the person himself and his view of it. Antonovsky introduced the concept of “sense of coherence,” which reflects the individual’s position on the “health - illness” scale. It includes the following components: - Comprehensibility - what is happening to me is something predictable, orderly; - Controllability - I believe that I have enough resources to cope with the situation; - Meaningfulness - I understand that what is happening requires my participation rather than avoidance. Thus, based on the author’s logic, if a person perceives a situation as clear, predictable, requiring his participation and feels the possibility of getting out of it, then the situation is more likely to be resolved successfully for him. This model allows us to understand why people cope with stress and respond differently to serious illness, and will help us change their condition. A sense of coherence can be developed; group forms of psychotherapy are very helpful for this. The group allows you to create a safe space to express your feelings and discuss them. Research has shown that discussion and joint resolution of learning problems between students and teachers improved the learning process and reduced anxiety and dissatisfaction. Teamwork was enhanced (manageability), which influenced the understanding of the learning process (comprehensibility), and students were able to understand their priorities according to their interests (meaningfulness). This study can be transferred to everyday life, especially parents should pay attention to this. Cooperation, trusting relationships and discussion of the entire process of life will allow children to develop a sense of coherence, and with it resistance to stress. And I conducted a study that showed that cancer patients who interacted productively with their doctors had better rates of using coping strategies, higher treatment adherence and quality of life. You can take the test for the level of sense of coherence at the link: https://www.b17.ru/tests/887/
