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It is difficult to detect infantilism in a man during a love affair, because both are in a state of bliss and peace. Masculine traits only appear when a man struggles with life’s problems. And therefore, when a family is created, the new position is the opposite of a rest-romance, the new social position requires struggle: to make a decision, take responsibility for the decision and bear it for a long time, strain, compete, get up after a fall - you must want and be able to do all this do. What to do if a woman discovers that her husband, unfortunately, has the traits of an infantile person? It must be explained that infantilism, psychologically, is a fear of doing something. This means we need to guide and support in action. Next, remind the woman the golden rule for developing masculine qualities in a man - respect. For example, a family was forced to live in a village, neighbors helped plow the field from which this family fed: the husband could not find a horse in the village - he simply did not look for it, he did not know what to do with the horse, he could not approach the neighbors to negotiate so that they could help him find a horse. He was overwhelmed by a completely unaccountable fear. In this case, his wife behaved incorrectly - she argued with him, accusing him of laziness. The neighbors, hearing the scandal, brought the horse themselves and plowed the land with it. Because the neighbors respected the man because he knew 3 foreign languages ​​and was literate, helped in writing papers, taught children at school, explained many questions that were incomprehensible to the villagers. It is necessary to bring a woman to the realization that a man can only become a man in a situation of respect for from his family - when they ask him for his opinion (male!) on all sorts of issues, they bring him to the realization that only he can do it, solve it, help. A man reacts very negatively if his opinion is not asked - he understands this as a signal that he is not trusted as a man and is not considered one, therefore, he goes into sleep mode - I am childish and do not touch me. We must support the independence of a man, give him his interest. The interest can be anything and even very unclear for a woman - for example, sailing. It’s easier to keep a man within the framework of the infantile: let him quietly “graze in the meadow” - he won’t run away from the wolves, won’t get involved in some “dubious” and “dangerous” " affairs. The wife rules and rules her husband on all his issues, i.e. issues of his competence - as a man and the head of a family. And then one day she makes a claim to him - you are childish - forgetting that she herself made him so, i.e. switched to sleep mode. How to remove infantilism mode? What does the reader think about this? Maybe you can give examples for clarity of understanding. Contact me for help not only if you want to solve your problem, but also if you want a higher quality of your life, to achieve greater success in all areas of life. Make an appointment by phone +79119887123, SMS, WhatsApp.
