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Why does a man dream of a son?1. The son as the heir, the bearer of the clan's surname.2. The son as the realization of his plans, hopes, and unrealizable plans.3. A son is like a friend and comrade with whom you can spend time. A man’s conscious desire to have a child arises by the age of 30.4. A son as confirmation of his masculinity. Very often, girls simply bother men because they don’t know what to do with them. Brutal and sexually attractive (active) men raise girls like princesses. In any case, the desire to have a son is dictated by internal insecurity or the desire to be and feel more masculine. Therefore, a woman, first of all, needs: 1. Remind your husband that he is a real man, emphasize his strong, masculine qualities.2. Tell your husband more often that he is loved, that with the birth of his daughter this love will double.3. Talk about how girls love their father more and more strongly and always choose husbands who are similar to their dad.4. Daughters remain in the parental family, even if they get married. And you will always raise your grandchildren by blood.5. The birth of a daughter shows a woman that her husband loves her more than he wants a boy.6. The child feels that he is not desired based on his gender and therefore, out of a desire to please, he can internally go into conflict.7. A child is a gift from God, if God gives this particular gift, then it is the one you need. By wanting to determine the sex of the child, parents seem to be depriving the baby of their UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! They deprive you, so they put forward conditions. When a condition is put forward, it can be anything, but not love. CalculationDealExpectationDisappointmentAttachmentObligationBUT NOT LOVE!!! A man who desires to please a woman begets a daughter. A man who wants to please a woman becomes effeminate, soft inside even with external brutality. Fear of losing a wife can cause a subconscious reluctance to give birth to a son. If the husband is henpecked or, conversely, very tough in appearance, then a daughter will be born. A man who wants to prove his worth, i.e. wishes to please himself, conceives a son. The birth of a child depends on the mother. The sex of the child depends on the father. If a woman also wants a man to prove his love to her, then the birth of a daughter is a done deal. If a woman decides that a man must prove his masculinity, then they can only conceive a son. A man does what his wife thinks, and not what she says.
