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Training "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers" Alexandra Karelina Training "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers" Training "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers" Goal: prevention of psychological health of teachers, familiarization of teachers with self-regulation techniques. Objectives: familiarization with the concept of emotional burnout, its characteristics; determining your attitude towards the profession; analysis of the manifestations of signs of burnout, identification of sources of dissatisfaction with professional activities; reducing the level of emotional burnout of teachers. We are starting our training session. Any training session has its own rules. I invite everyone to work actively, participate in the proposed exercises, speak only on their own behalf: “I think”, listen to each other carefully. The principle of our lesson is “Tell me and I will forget Show me and I will remember Involve me and I will understand and learn something “A person learns: 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 70% of what he experiences, 90% of what he does. The problem of emotional burnout of teachers. The profession of a teacher, educator (in other words, the work of the heart and nerves, requires daily, hourly expenditure of mental strength and energy. Research has found that representatives of these professions are susceptible to symptoms of gradual emotional fatigue and devastation - emotional burnout syndrome. In recent years, the problem of maintaining mental health teachers has become especially relevant. The modern world dictates its own rules: parents’ demands on the teacher’s personality and his role in the educational process have also increased. Transformations in the education system are also raising the bar: a creative approach to work, innovation, project activities, and pedagogical technologies are encouraged. only the academic load, along with it, the neuropsychic stress of the individual and overwork increase. Various types of overload are aggravated by numerous fears: fear of being abandoned, fear of not finding support; fear of being unprofessional; fear of control. According to modern data, “mental burnout” is understood. a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion, manifested in professions in the social sphere. This syndrome includes three main components: • emotional exhaustion, • depersonalization (cynicism) • reduction of professional achievements. Emotional exhaustion is understood as a feeling of emotional devastation and fatigue caused by one’s own work. Depersonalization presupposes a cynical attitude towards work and the objects of one’s work. In the social sphere, depersonalization involves an insensitive, inhumane attitude towards clients. Contacts with them become formal, impersonal, the negative attitudes that arise may at first be of a hidden nature, manifested in internally restrained irritation, which breaks through over time and leads to conflicts. Reduction is the emergence among employees of a feeling of incompetence in their professional field, an awareness of failure in it. 1. Exercise “Napoleon Pose” Participants are shown three movements: arms crossed on the chest, arms extended forward with palms open, and hands clenched into fists. At the leader’s command: “One, two, three!”, each participant, simultaneously with the others, must show one of three movements (whichever one they like). The goal is to get the whole group or most of the participants to show the same movement. Presenter's comment: This exercise shows how ready you are to work. If the majority showed their palms, it means they are ready to work and are quite open. Fists show aggressiveness, Napoleon's pose shows some closedness or reluctance to work.2. “Imaginary flower.”3. Exercise “Carousel of Communication” Participants in a circle continue the phrase given by the leader: “I love...”, “I am happy...”, “I am sad when...”, “I am angry when...”, “I am proud of myself when...”4. Exercise “Staircase” Goal: self-awarenessas an individual at a certain period of life and professional activity. All training participants are given a piece of paper with a schematic image of a staircase, and are asked to carefully examine it and mark their location on the staircase today. As the exercise progresses, the facilitator asks the participants questions: - Think and answer, are you going up or going down? - Are you satisfied with your location on the stairs? - What prevents you from being at the top? - Are you able to eliminate the reasons that prevent you from moving up? 5. The mushrooms have risen. Exercise "Washing machine". All participants stand in two lines facing each other. The first person becomes a “machine”, the last person becomes a “dryer”. The “machine” passes between the ranks, everyone washes it, strokes it, rubs it carefully and carefully. The “dryer” should dry it out – hug it. The one that has passed the “wash” becomes a “dryer”; the next “machine” comes from the beginning of the line.6. Exercise “Distribute in order” Purpose: to convey to training participants the importance of the ability to switch social roles to maintain mental health and creative activity; awareness of your “I”. Teachers are asked to distribute in order (according to the degree of importance, in their opinion) the following list: - children - work - husband (wife) - Me - friends, relatives After some time, propose an option for the optimal distribution of the list: 1. I2. Husband (wife)3. Children4. Work5. Friends, relativesThen participants are asked to reflect on the results obtained.7. Exercise “Pleasure” One of the common stereotypes of everyday mental hygiene is the idea that the best way to relax and recover is through our hobbies, favorite activities, and hobbies. Their number is usually limited, since most people have no more than 1-2 hobbies. Many of these activities require special conditions, time or the state of the person himself. However, there are many other opportunities to relax and recuperate. Training participants are given sheets of paper and asked to write down 5 types of daily activities that bring them pleasure. Then it is proposed to rank them according to the degree of pleasure. Then explain to teachers that this is a resource that can be used as an “ambulance” to restore strength.8. The flowers stood up. Exercise “Handshakes” Purpose: Activation of group members, establishing initial contact. The teacher invites the group members, moving chaotically around the room (or in two circles, internal and external) and meeting someone, to greet in the proposed way: nod of the head, palms, heels, backs, shoulders, knees, air kiss, hug.9. Exercise “Snowman” Presenter: Let’s get up and turn into a snowman - “freeze.” It is suggested to “freeze” as much as possible. The psychologist touches some of the participants, checking how hard the arm muscles have become. Then it is reported that the sun has come out and our snowman has melted. The degree of “thawing” is checked: the participant’s hand, raised up by the leader, falls freely without any tension. Host: Pay attention to how pleasant it is to be a melted snowman, remember these feelings of relaxation, peace, and resort to this experience in tense situations.10. Exercise “Which part of the car do you feel like?”11. Exercise “Pros and cons” Instructions. You need to write the disadvantages of your work on pieces of paper of one color, and the advantages of your work on pieces of another color. Participants write, and then take turns attaching their pieces of paper with the pros and cons to the tree. Each participant voices what he wrote. This is followed by a reflection exercise. Participants discuss what worked out better—the pros and cons of teaching—and why. Expected result: teachers should see that there are still more advantages in their work, and come to the conclusion that the work of a teacher is hard, but enjoyable. And also to see all aspects of teaching activity, to realize that!
