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When a conflict arises, emotions can overwhelm us and make it difficult to understand the situation and make informed decisions. The most important thing to understand about any conflict with others is a conflict of interests. But the way people defend their interests has no special relation to the essence of the conflict. Conflicts are an inevitable part of life and arise in various areas of our relationships: in the family, at work, in friendship, etc. It is important to be able to react correctly to conflicts in order to preserve relationships, and perhaps even strengthen them.. I am sharing with you an important algorithm of actions that will help you cope with any conflict. Stop for a moment and take a deep breath. Try to relieve tension and focus on your breathing. This will help calm you down and give you the opportunity to look at the situation from a more objective point of view. Let your opponent in the conflict speak fully every time. Don't interrupt and listen calmly and carefully. Having “let off steam”, he will quickly get involved in resolving the situation. Remember: “The patient always win.” Do not make decisions in anger or irritation. If you feel that your emotions are preventing you from making the right decision, put off making a decision until later. Try to put yourself in the other person's shoes. This will help you better understand his point of view and perspective. Give your opponent the opportunity to save face. Do not point out that he is wrong, use workarounds and hints that carefully and gradually lead him to understand that he is wrong. Try to speak calmly and clearly. Use "I messages" instead of accusations to express your feelings and thoughts. Demonstrate that you do not hold a stone in your bosom, do not hide anything from your opponent regarding the conflict. Listen carefully to what other people say. Try to understand their point of view, even if it is different from yours. Do not throw any accusations at your opponent if you want to resolve the conflict. Look for and offer compromises. A mutually beneficial compromise is the best basis for resolving any conflict. Try to understand what you and your opponent agree on, talk through your assumptions. If you feel that you cannot control your emotions, ask for a break to calm down and recover. It is important to show confidence in your own abilities. In most cases, if your opponent notices your lack of self-confidence, he regards it either as confirmation of his own rightness, or as your weakness, which always leads him to an unwillingness to compromise, and, on the contrary, to an attempt to increase pressure on you. Finally, remember that conflicts are normal and natural in interpersonal relationships. It is important to learn to manage your emotions and resolve conflicts calmly and constructively.
