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From the author: Exchange of experience. (in 2011 - winner of the competition) Slides and applications on the website Slide 2 Ball of the moon under a star lampshade The sleeping town was illuminated. They walked, laughing, along the gloomy embankment, A guy with an athletic figure And a girl - a fragile stalk. Apparently, heated up from the conversation, The guy, among other things, told how once during a storm, for the sake of an argument, He swam across the sea bay, How he fought with the devilish current, How a thunderstorm threw lightning. And she looked with admiration into the bold, hot eyes... Slide 3 And then, sighing, she said quietly: “I would have died there from fear.” You know, I’m a terrible coward, I would never swim in a thunderstorm! The guy smiled condescendingly, pulled the girl slowly and said: “You are simply amazing, Oh, you sparrow soul!” He lifted her chin with his finger and kissed her. The bridge swayed, the wind sang... And for her today the world was entirely made of music and stars! Slide 4 So in the night along the gloomy embankment The two of them walked through the sleeping town A guy with an athletic figure And a girl - a fragile stalk. And when, having passed a strip of light, In the shadow of the dormant acacia trees entered, Two broad-shouldered dark silhouettes suddenly grew out of the ground. The first muttered hoarsely: “Stop, chickens!” The path is closed, and no nails! Rings, earrings, watches, money - Everything that is on the barrel, and live! Slide 5 And the second, blowing smoke into his mustache, I watched as, with excitement, a brown-haired guy with an athletic figure began to quickly unfasten his watch. And, satisfied , apparently with success, Red Mustache chuckled: “Hey, goat!” Why are you pouting?! - And he pulled the beret over the girl’s eyes with a laugh. Then everything was like a grenade explosion: The girl tore off the beret and with the words: - Scum! Damn fascist! – She burned the kid like fire. Slide 6 – Are you frightening with your impudence? You're lying, bastard! You're the enemy! You drink human life! - The voice is torn, furious and the bell rings: - Is there a knife in your pocket? I don’t care about the knife! For murder, a “wall” awaits. Well, if I fall from a wound, then remember: I will survive, I will find out! Wherever you are, I will still find you! And she looked firmly into your eyes. He was confused: - Okay... Hush, thunder... - And the second one mumbled: - Well, to hell with them! - And the figures disappeared around the corner. Slide 7 Lunar disk, on the milky road Having got out, he walked diagonally And looked thoughtfully and sternly From top to bottom at the sleeping town, Where, without words, along the gloomy embankment They walked, barely audibly rustling the gravel, A guy with an athletic figure And a girl - " weak nature”, “Coward” and “sparrow soul”. Slide 8 What can you say about the heroes of Asadov’s poem “Coward”? How can all these definitions be called in one word? Slide 9 All this is character. And it is character that will become the topic of our conversation today. During the lesson, you will determine what character is, how people differ from each other and why, and, of course, the psychologist cannot leave you without testing, with the help of which you will determine some of the properties of your character. Let's start by defining this itself term. Slide 10 Character (from the Greek charakter - imprint, sign, distinctive feature) - a set of stable individual characteristics of a person’s personality, his “character”, manifested in activity, communication, behavior, as well as in his manners, habits, mentality and characteristic him in the circle of emotional life. The most general properties of character can be arranged diametrically: strength - weakness, hardness - softness, breadth - narrowness, integrity - inconsistency. The versatility of character lies in the fact that in different situations a person can manifest different, perhaps even opposite, properties, while the unity of his character is not only preserved, but this is where it is manifested. Can we say that a person is already born with character? Do you think a person’s character changes throughout life? Slide 11 And, although strength of character (or as it is also called, willpower) is only one of many character traits, it deserves to also have a definition. Slide 12 Will is a person’s ability to achieve his goals in the face of overcoming obstacles. Willpower is a person's ability to actively resistvarious obstacles that arise on the way to achieving his goal. Moreover, these obstacles can be both external and internal in nature. What internal obstacles can arise? (Laziness or fear.) Now let's rest a little and LEARN TO BREATHE THROUGH YOUR FINGER. This wonderful exercise was invented by a man with amazing willpower. And I’ll tell you about it right after the gymnastics. Slide 13 Warm-up: Breathing through your finger (Norbekov) Let’s focus on our index finger. Now let's watch our breathing. We are not trying to speed it up, delay it or slow it down, we are just monitoring it. Inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale... With each breath we mentally slightly increase the length (not the time - the length!) of the exhalation. Let's lower our eyelids and try to relax our eyes. Let's mentally imagine the air we exhale. Let's paint it any color that comes to mind. At the same time, we note with the edge of our consciousness that inhaling brings coolness into us, and exhaling takes away heat. Both of these processes are accompanied by a slight, barely noticeable tingling sensation. This is especially noticeable when breathing through the nose. We continue to monitor the breathing process with our mind's eye. Let's slightly increase the intensity of the color of the air stream. Now let's direct the inhalations and exhalations to the finger. Let's imagine that the air enters through the finger and also comes out through it, and not through the mouth or nose. The inhalation washes the finger with coolness, saturates it with fresh energy, and with the warmth of the exhalation, waste energy slag is removed from the finger. It is so simple. Inhalation brings good, exhalation takes away bad. If you have any unpleasant sensation or pain in any organ, then try to breathe through the corresponding area of ​​​​the body. For example, with the temples, legs, back or stomach. Slide 14 Mirzakirim Sanakulovich Norbekov was born in 1957 in a mountain village near Samarkand. In 1976 he joined the army, where he was beaten and discharged for health reasons. I was treated for a long time. His kidneys failed. He received the most severe degree of disability and was discharged from the hospital - to go home to die. But someone advised him to turn to the village healer. They are also called elders. He came to the elder’s house. He didn’t come - he hobbled away. And he asked him in a weak voice to cure him. But the elder, without turning his head and continuing to do his housework, cheerfully answered him that he does not treat the dead. In bewilderment, Norbekov went home. The next day he tried again. But with the same result. Having thought about everything, on the same day he again came to the old man’s house, grabbed him by the chest and began to beg him loudly and persistently. Then the old man just as cheerfully said that now he sees that Mirzakirim has not yet died, and agrees to help him. The young man settled in his house, carried out all the master’s orders, worked around the house and completely forgot about his serious fatal illness. More than 30 years have passed, and Mirzakirim Norbekov is still alive and well. He became a famous healer who organized his own school of healing, the method of which is an active and positive attitude towards life. It is well known that the stronger a person’s will is developed, the higher his resistance to adverse life circumstances, the less susceptible he is to the influence of stress and more suitable for success. Willpower test. Slide 15–32 When can a person not control himself and control his destiny? (When he is in despair) Parable of Coffee! Slide 33 A student comes to the Teacher and says: “Teacher, I’m tired, I have such a hard life, such difficulties and problems, I’m always swimming against the tide, I don’t have any more strength,... what should I do?" Instead of answering, the teacher put three identical containers of water on the fire. Slide 34 He threw carrots into one container, put an egg into another, and poured coffee beans into the third. After some time, he took the carrots and egg out of the water and poured coffee from the 3rd container into the cup. " What changed?" - he asked the student. “The egg and carrots were boiled, and the coffee beans dissolved in the water,” the student answered. “No,” said the Teacher, “This is only a superficial look at things. Slide 35 Look - hard carrots, having been in boiling water, have become soft and pliable. Slide?
