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In the principle of transformation sounds the law of healing...The law of healing in unconditional love and acceptance. Then healing and transformation happens. All our lives we learn unconditional love, acceptance of ourselves and others. And today I want to remind us - myself, colleagues, clients, all people. Remind us that when we work with ourselves and strive for unconditional love and acceptance of ourselves and others, so that we always remember the principle of individuality. Remind us that each of us has our own pace of development - opening our Heart, accepting ourselves and accepting others .The path is long in life or lives. And that's normal. Acceptance... Acceptance, which we talk about so often. What is it? Let's take an example with our parents. To accept ourselves, we must first of all accept our parents as they are, that is, deal with our traumas and emotions in them, etc. processes.What does it mean to accept parents? What is this anyway? Where to accept? What to accept? This is what it means: to look at them as ordinary people, to realize that they are just people, souls like everyone else who were born on this planet, like us and everyone else, and they are not only our parents .Get away from the limiting, This narrow concept of them, as only about our parents. This is what we strive for all our lives. Awareness, expansion. And my main thought today is that: Each of us undergoes Self-Transformation individually. And in order to come to acceptance of ourselves and parents - We also go through all these stages as in the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression , in order to come to acceptance. Acceptance of others and ourselves. At some point in life, we will complete these stages or not complete them in the current life. And today I want each of you to say to yourself: - I accept my Pace of development With love and gratitude. - This is my Pace changes and transformations are the most correct, the safest for me. It doesn’t matter what stage of transformation you are at. Accept your entire Pace of change with love and gratitude. You are in the process and at the stage that you need right now. Ps What is in me now? Anger? A pity? Wonderful! I'm on the right track. I live. I'm figuring it out. I am glad to become your assistant in learning and healing yourself.!
