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“Creativity (from the English create - create, create) is the creative abilities of an individual, characterized by a readiness to accept and create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking and are included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor, as well as the ability to solve problems, arising within static systems. According to the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, this is a creative orientation that is innately characteristic of everyone, but is lost by the majority under the influence of the existing system of upbringing, education and social practice” (Wikipedia). Why is creativity needed? This is a quality that, when solving a non-standard problem, makes it possible to find new methods and approaches that allow us to cope with it. How often do we encounter non-trivial problems that require urgent solutions? No matter how much we would like to organize, classify and regulate emerging issues, they often require original approaches and answers. Creativity, as a way of activity, develops in a person flexibility, speed and originality of thinking, teaches to expand the intellectual field of searching for solutions, develops associative thinking, imagination , the ability to consider a problem from different angles, frees you from stereotypes and prejudices, forms an adequate value scale, teaches you to be independent, responsible and free in your own decisions and their consequences. The classic test for a creative approach to solving problems and tasks was proposed by psychologist Karl Danker in 1945 year: 1. In your hands: a candle, a box with push pins, a box of matches. 2. Task: attach a lit candle to the wall so that it does not drip wax onto the table below it. Have you tried to complete the task? The correct answer from the psychologist: here. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d6/Genimage.jpg Although, it is likely that you have come up with your own version, then tell us about it. It often seems to us that positive changes are possible due to a combination of external circumstances. We dream that some specially trained person will come, take us by the hand, and lead us to a creative land of opportunities and a successful life. And there really is such a person - you yourself, provided that you are ready for a creative course in your life. Then you are guaranteed to meet interesting and extraordinary personalities along the way, following the path of creativity and exploring new horizons. When such participants meet in one project, they can overcome the most difficult and specific obstacles. And a few more questions: 1. Do you consider yourself a creative person? 2. Please remember how many times you showed your creativity in the past year. 3. How many extraordinary creative projects have you been able to participate in during the year? 4. What creative “challenges” have you turned down for yourself for one reason or another? 5. Would you like to make a new creative move? 6. What is your dream creative project? The article was published on the website https://edugalaxy.intel.ru/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=16533&showentry=7188
