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When a person has life difficulties of a personal nature or in relationships with other people or with his child, and he does not know who to trust and what to do, then in search of solutions to his problems he sometimes asks himself the question, “How can a psychologist help me and psychological consultation? Currently, Art Therapy is a serious method of psychotherapy, through which a person’s many psychological problems are removed from the agenda. It is successfully used to eliminate neuroses, depression, increased anxiety, etc. And the important thing is that it satisfies one of the fundamental human needs - self-actualization, the absence of which causes chronic dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s existence. Drawing itself, with or without therapeutic effect, has a very strong effect on brain development and in particular develops visuospatial skills and visual memory skills, which is very important for the development of children, especially for children with ASD. When working with an autistic child, plot drawing is used, when the teacher or adult teaching the child pronounces the plot that the child depicts in the drawing and thereby structures the drawn events, connecting them with events in the child’s life and impressions that are significant for him. In this case, story drawing is an analogue of story game and is its replacement for a child with ASD, since it is sometimes not possible to use a game to teach an autistic child, unlike ordinary children, whose learning progresses very quickly during play activities. It is necessary to take into account that the images must correspond to specific characters and objects from the child’s life; you can add additional details to the child’s drawing that will create an image that is understandable and attractive to the child. It is important to gradually add details that help set the perspective for the development of the events shown in the figure. The use of drawings in the practice of psychological correction work helps in solving such problems as establishing and developing contact with the child, increasing his mental tone and activity, facilitating the externalization of his internal experiences, increasing the time spent on one activity and perseverance. When working with adults as part of counseling work, the psychologist has in his arsenal various techniques for conducting an art therapy session that he prefers to use. In this case, based on the practical experience of recent years, everything happens something like this: at the first consultations, a client who is ready and agrees to this type of psychological help is asked to make a drawing that spontaneously arises in his thoughts, focusing on the emotional state that he experiencing at the moment. Before he begins to draw, a fairly in-depth analysis of his psychological state is always carried out. Then, when the drawing or sketch is ready, we listen to the author’s story about his drawing, asking clarifying questions. At subsequent consultations, the drawing that was initially drawn is proposed to be supplemented or changed depending on how the client’s attitude towards his work changes. Usually, after several sessions, a person, changing his attitude towards his problems and discovering new perspectives on the development of events in his life, brings new details into the drawing that reflect his expanded perception of what is happening to him. It happens that a person completely changes the drawn sketch to a new one. The next, but not obligatory, step is to transfer the drawing onto canvas and reproduce it in acrylic paints, and frame the work to give it a finished look. Thus, receiving psychological help in solving their problems and at the same time creating a work of art with their own hands, within the framework of art therapy, a person who has neither the skills nor the ability to draw receives aesthetic satisfaction from the fact that he could.
