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No offense, but...One of those phrases, when we hear it, we know that something definitely unpleasant or offensive will follow. - Everyone has different taste, but I wouldn’t wear something like that... - You’re certainly brave! If I were you, I would be very complex about... (weight, nose shape, height, etc.) - Don’t worry, you will meet your “soul mate”! Not everyone likes thin people... - What smart children you have! Perhaps they took after their father? (address to the children's mother) - Did you buy a new car?! Did you get rich or something? Most often, such expressions are accompanied by a smile in order to cover up the nastiness with some kind of compliment 🤡 A person does not show his true feelings and intentions directly, but uses workarounds in which he achieves the desired result. By denying our shadow side and emotions such as irritation, anger, envy, disgust, etc., we suppress these negative emotions in ourselves, which sooner or later shoot out in the form of passive aggression. How do you know if you are prone to hidden aggression? Passive aggression can take many forms, but often it is provocation and manipulation, instilling feelings of guilt and shame. Below are some examples of passive aggression in our daily life: 1. Silence and Ignoring: This can occur in various forms when a person refuses to talk or communicate with other people, slowly harassing his “victim”. Instead of discussing, expressing your opinion, showing your feelings. 2. Sarcasm: Snarky jokes that are presented as a sense of humor. Offended? Don't you get the joke? 3. Feelings under lock and key: “I’m not offended!”, “Everything is fine!”, “It seemed to you!”... Phrases that are pronounced opposite to their meaning, with their entire appearance indicating suppressed resentment. 4. Depreciation: Most often this comes from a feeling of envy. Therefore, the goal is to belittle, devalue a person’s choices and achievements. 5. To impose a feeling of guilt: “I’ll manage somehow on my own! Don’t worry!”, “Great, well done, you had a rest! But I can’t see the white light because of the piled-up things to do!” The inability and reluctance to ask for help is manifested in imposing a feeling of guilt on a person because - because he did not offer his help on his own. Well, have you encountered any familiar points? What is behind passive aggression and how to avoid becoming its victim? 💬 I invite you to discuss this topic at the supervision seminar “How to defend your personal boundaries with pleasure? The deep causes of aggression and feelings of guilt.”. Tomorrow, April 21 at 20:00 Moscow time. Registration here https://krasnov.tv/kak-otstaivat-svoi-lichnye-granicy-s-udovolstviem-2/. See you!
