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Of course, it is difficult to compete with those who have a comfortable life determined from birth. Those who have a tidy sum in their personal account have been growing for more than one generation. But this is there, in the far West. Our Russian capitalism is not yet 30 years old. By the standards of history, homegrown market relations are still in their infancy. So what is preventing us, the residents of the new Russia, from becoming rich and living in prosperity? Education? No, domestic education is no worse than Western education. Bad economy? No, either. Yes, we are not Chinese, but maybe someone remembers the nineties? Then, in general, there was complete chaos in everything, and it was then that a lot of money was earned. It’s not at all a matter of what country and to what parents you were born. Over the hill, where many of our fellow citizens look with envy, the poor are also a dime a dozen. They sleep in boxes on the streets, and stand in lines for benefits and a free bowl of soup. The difference between the rich and the poor “sits” exclusively in people’s heads, and is completely determined by their actions and attitude towards money: DIFFERENCE 1. An ardent desire to become rich. It seems to emerge here amusing nonsense - everyone wants to become rich. Only a financially wealthy person confirms his desire every day with real actions (he systematically moves towards his goal, sometimes stumbling and falling, then rising again). And a person with an income below average wants to “eat an apple” Yes, he’s too lazy to go for the stairs. And some even went for the stairs, but they stand near them, hesitate, are afraid to climb - what if I fall? And this despite the fact that everything is fine with the person. Both the brains are in place and the arms and legs are intact. Look at Nick Vujicic - he was born without any limbs, he has only one foot with two toes, but he graduated from university and became a financial analyst. He is also a father of four children, a writer (types texts on a computer with his toes), a successful motivational speaker and a very wealthy man. DIFFERENCE 2. Attitude to money Every successful person knows a simple truth - rich is not the one who earns a lot, but the one who spends what he earns correctly. We, Russians, are like a person who crossed the desert alone, miraculously reached civilization and began to pour into ourselves with liters of water and stuffing kilograms of food: But in no case should you do this - you can die. So we are dying financially, following the lead of our momentary desires and remembering the recent past, when store shelves were pristinely clean, and there was a shortage there was even toilet paper. If you spend more than you earn, you can say goodbye to the dream of wealth forever. DIFFERENCE 3. Spending for show When you see someone driving a premium car, you rarely think: “Wow, the guy who drives that car , is very cool." Instead, you think, "Wow, if I had a car like that, people would think I'm cool." In fact, real wealth is not measured by expensive cars, country mansions and ocean-going yachts. Real wealth - these are your investments and assets (that generate passive income). ADDITIONALLY: Read my other article “Where should you NOT invest your money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for money.” Read my article “What skills do you need to become rich.” TO CONFIRM THE MATERIAL, WATCH MY NEXT VIDEO: I WILL BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR LIKES AND REPOSTS OF THIS ARTICLE
