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I have always been interested in the cause-and-effect relationship of human problems, which manifest themselves not only in the form of various diseases, but also personal conflicts. In my work, I integrate knowledge of medicine and psychology, which helps me take a comprehensive approach to client requests. Often people turn to specialists in helping professions only in emergency cases, when it is no longer possible to endure physical or mental pain. As for medical science, more often it offers patients with chronic diseases the option not of cure, but of alleviation of painful symptoms. In this regard, psychology has made a big step forward in relation to the analysis of the causes and factors leading to mental discomfort, and also offers many methods of therapy and correction. For deep psychological study, it is necessary to get to the very roots of the problems. Psychologists have discovered that in order to neutralize the relevance of experiences, it is necessary to return to the place, time and situation that gave rise to this state, and only by being in one’s consciousness there can one transform a negative or traumatic experience. But when does a person receive the first traumatic experience? ? He encounters it even in the perinatal period. I would like to immediately note that from a medical point of view, the perinatal period begins from the 22nd week of pregnancy, includes the period of childbirth and ends after 7 days of the newborn’s life. Psychologists take the starting point from the moment of conception, because It is at this moment that the meaning of a person’s birth is laid down, the individual unconscious begins to form. Why is it so important to know how pregnancy and childbirth proceeded? The fact is that during the prenatal period the child’s psyche begins to form. It develops simultaneously with the nervous system, long before the birth of the child. So, at 2.5 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus already begins to develop a neural groove, and by week 4 the neural tube closes and primary brain vesicles form, nerves and ganglia are formed. And starting from the age of 12–16 weeks, electrical signals are already registered in the child’s cerebral cortex as a response to external stimuli. At the age of several months from conception, the human fetus already exhibits certain sensations - tactile, temperature, auditory and some others. Thus, at the end of the first year of a child’s life, up to 80% of the psychophysiological characteristics that will influence his future life are laid down. What is formed during the perinatal period: From conception to childbirth occurs: the laying of basic health, determined not only by genetic factors, but also by emotional reactions a pregnant woman or her relationship with the child's father. And here we remember the law that was formulated by M. Frechet. It sounds like this: “During the programming phase, all unresolved emotional conflicts between parents (both related to the child and not directly related to him) are recorded by the child’s brain as his own conflicts and become his biological programs in life.” Thus, the child is unconsciously “loaded” with biological programs, unresolved conflicts (internal and external contradictions) of the parents; resistance to stress and mental health are established; unconscious strategies of protection, contact, basic trust in the world are formed; identity with one’s body, gender, self begins; Childbirth shapes: character; choice of strategy for overcoming crises. In fact, childbirth is the first powerful crisis of transition, and in the future we repeat our behavior in other crisis situations, especially in adolescence. In this case, I would like to quote Otto Rank from the book “Birth Trauma: “Everything that happens to a person in life is connected with how he was born.” In this regard, the perinatal period can become the starting point in the development of psychotic disorders and psychosomatic diseases Therefore, it is very important to deeply and systematically understand the client’s problem..
