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Greetings, dear reader. Today I would like to talk to you about the view of Man, which is common in psychotherapy. I offer you a point of view where a person is viewed as a complex system. By the word system we mean a complex of interconnected elements. The human body, for example, consists of organ systems (digestive, nervous, etc.), each organ is a system of interconnected tissues, tissue is a system of interconnected cells, etc. In modern medicine, psychotherapy is no exception , it is proposed to consider a person as a complex biopsychosocial system. That is, in a person we highlight the biological part, the I - the bodily one, this is our body, flesh, “meat”. This is something we can touch. This includes the nervous system, which includes our brain. It is also customary to distinguish the mental part of a person, the I – the mental. This is our psyche (psycho from other Greek - soul), about which so much has been written, but despite this, it still conceals many mysteries and dark spots. This includes our memory, attention, thinking characteristics, various characteristics of intelligence, deep character traits, etc. The next part of the model we are considering is the social part. I am social. A person exists in a community of his own kind; a number of researchers believe that many of our skills (speech, writing, thinking) developed due to the fact that we lived and developed together with each other. Our human language itself, because its main function is communication, can be considered as the result of interaction between people. The way I am presented in different communities of people, my social roles, in the family, with friends, with colleagues, may differ both from each other and from the state when I am alone with myself. Listen to this phrase, be alone with yourself. Even, it would seem, being alone, we do not arrive in some kind of internal unity, but the Self is alone with Itself. There is a mysterious I who is alone with Itself. That is, within ourselves, may the psychiatrists forgive me, we have some kind of internal community. After all, in order to think, reflect, think, there must be a Subject who is thinking and an Object being thought about. - Who were you talking to, Professor? - With myself, and I find it extremely entertaining and useful. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Some authors propose adding a fourth component, spiritual, to the biopsychosocial model. This idea is close to me, although the term is becoming somewhat cumbersome. The spiritual part should be considered not at all as a religion, not as a religious institution, but as a complex of interrelations between a person and the entire environment, and the degree to which a person is aware of these interrelations. And already, as follows from this, ideological principles, meanings and values ​​on which a person relies in his life. I briefly described the biopsycho-socio-spiritual model of man, and I want to draw your attention to the fact that, like any other model, it is not the ultimate truth . A model is just a convenient way to talk about something that is extremely difficult to talk about. The ultimate goal of the model is to help us actually act, to act effectively. This is, in other words, a map of the area. Not the area itself, but its description. “The map is not the territory” - Korzybski. If we use an ordinary map to pass through a forest and settle in it for a long time, and this map shows forests, fields, rivers, lakes and main roads, then this map is convenient and practical, it is just as convenient and practical to consider a person as just a biological body. But if we put on the map more precise designations of forests and fields, rivers and their tributaries, places where some animals live and others hide, where and when migratory birds nest, and what herbs grow in which part, then such a map will carry more information. And we, with great success, will be able to live in this forest, withtaking into account that the map was compiled by a professional practitioner and was checked on the ground. True, such a map will be more difficult to read and use, but it’s worth it. The same with the “cartography” of a person, if we add a psychosocial component to the biological body and take it into account in our life, then we have more knowledge of what should be done to “it was good and it wasn’t bad.” A complete map with data on the amount of precipitation, average temperatures of the area, wind rose, information on the migration routes of animals, and the frequency of these phenomena will be extremely difficult for a beginner. But it will tell a person who knows and can read it very, very much, will help him correctly build a development strategy in his life, one caveat is that the fee for an error on this map is much higher. Also with the meaning of the prefix “spiritual” in our model, taking this plane into account in the life of a particular person is not easy and not everyone can do it, but if you take it into account, then, in my opinion, this will bring new extremely interesting facets and shades to life. Let's go back. to the concept of System. It is worth mentioning that the system functions as a single whole, and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And by influencing one element of the system, we can change the entire system. The key aspect is which element (or elements), how, and when will be affected. Using the biopsycho-socio-spiritual model of a person, we see more interconnected elements, and, therefore, have more opportunities and options for influence. This knowledge allows you to solve such issues and problems, including diseases, that cannot be resolved with another, one-sided and one-sided approach (at an appointment with a therapist - “eh, surgeons, they should cut and cut everything, take a pill, it will fall off on its own”) As an excellent illustration of the above-described properties of the system, I will tell you a parable story. They say that in the 19th century, an extremely successful factory operated in England, which brought profit to its owner, provided jobs to many people, and produced various goods useful to the population. Everyone was happy, everyone was happy with everything, until one day the plant stopped working. All the mechanisms simply stopped working normally, all production stopped. The plant sometimes groaned, puffed, emitted clouds of smoke and steam, but did not function normally. And sometimes he stopped working altogether. And no one could figure out what was happening. One commission after another came, but they could not find a solution. The director was already offered to dismantle the plant, and give the workshops for melting, and even turn them into a warehouse for potatoes, since no one could make this plant work. And at this time the director suffered losses, the workers did not receive money and therefore could not feed their families, the population lost quality goods. In general, almost everyone suffered. By chance, the director, already in despair, heard about a certain Master who was passing through these parts and, according to rumors, could help. He invited him and asked for his help. The master agreed. First, the Master studied the drawings in detail and asked the director about how and when the plant was built. Then, all day long he walked around the empty plant, listened, lightly tapped on various mechanisms, sometimes it seemed to the director that he was almost sniffing. And so, he slowly opened his small suitcase, took out an unremarkable-looking hammer, and hit one of the gears. And a miracle! The mechanism began to move and gradually, mechanism by mechanism, the entire plant began to work. The whole plant started working! The director was overjoyed. “How much do I owe you, send me the bill, I’ll pay!” “Okay,” the Master said and left. The next day the director received a bill “10,000 pounds sterling.” “But why so much,” the director was indignant, “you spent only one day at the factory and are asking for such an amount, previous specialists spent days and nights here for weeks, and asked a hundred times less than you. “Okay,” said the Master, smiling, “I’ll write out my invoice for you.”
