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What do you think is the cause of psychosomatic allergies? Why do some people have allergies and others not? I myself am a former “experienced allergy sufferer” and have been trying for a long time to find the answer to this question. What is it about me that I have allergies, but others don’t? The first thing I did was, of course, look for an allergen, a specific one and, as a rule, it can be found, and then everything is as usual, if there is an allergy, then we eat pills and get rid of it from the allergen itself and everything is logical and quite simple, but... If you are allergic to many things or to pollen in spring and summer, where to go? Stay on pills. Firstly, this didn’t help me much, and secondly, over time, the pills stopped working and this also became a problem. At some point, I stopped finding allergens, nothing changed in my life, but allergies appeared. There were significant cases, as I later noticed, when the allergies went away due to the fact that I began to experience less stress. But what kind of stress? What is it like? Many doctors now say that the reason is stress. That's the reason, cool. But a number of questions arise. What about other people who don’t have allergies and don’t have stress? Or how does it work? When I ran the diagnostics for the first time, everything became much clearer to me. A certain stress, a certain situation causes allergies. Let me immediately note that everyone has their own situation, and stress is similar to a state of powerlessness or helplessness. At my consultations, I act like a doctor, I collect a detailed history, this is what I call diagnosis. On it, the person himself sees and understands what came from where. And there are even people whose allergies go away after this, I am still amazed at such cases, but they do happen. So, if you find this specific stress, that is, carry out a diagnosis, collect all the information, examine everything in detail and remove this stress , then the allergy immediately subsides or goes away altogether, even if the allergen itself remains! I experienced this myself and I can say that it is a very pleasant feeling to be freed from allergies, especially when it has bothered you all your life. Be healthy! If you are yourself If you suffer from allergies, then write to me with the note B17 and I will make a diagnosis for you on preferential terms. If you are a specialist and would like to learn how to work with allergies, then write to me and I will organize a group for training.
