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From the author: This article was published on June 23, 2012 here: Very often you can hear from parents that they do not have the opportunity to do what they love, because there is no time, since the baby is busy all the time... Or, even worse, they begin to become aggressive about this on the baby himself. He did it wrong, he put it in the wrong place, he took it (why?), etc. For a child, hearing these words is not only unpleasant, but also painful. What is he guilty of? It seems like nothing, but he feels guilty. For what? For being born??? What can a baby learn by feeling incomprehensible and unjustified anger in the words of mom and dad? How can a child develop trust in the world if it is not in the parental family? And if you remember who the parents themselves were before their baby was born, before they learned that in 9 months they would acquire a new status? “They were just a man and a woman.” And perhaps they didn’t even care about their favorite activity. Perhaps they didn’t yet know what their favorite activity was! So maybe it was the baby who helped them gain knowledge about him? So, is it possible to say “thank you” to the baby? Dear parents! Remember also why you were going to give birth to a baby? What motivation was driving you at that moment? Remember and try to start working with your emotions, learn to plan your day so that everyone is comfortable and comfortable not only for you, but also for your baby, acquire a new skill in distributing responsibilities around the house with the possible delegation of them to a third party. Only by honing the management of your time to perfection and having put your mental state in order, you can happily work with your baby, enjoy your favorite activity and get maximum positive emotions! Zavarukhina Ekaterina
