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On the site periodically there appear articles-reflections, self-presentations, exchange of experiences about how the author came to psychology, what it is for him. Indeed, the path to the profession for many was interesting and exciting; the circumstances that forced them to radically change their lives are clearly worthy of being shared. Our writing course is designed mainly for psychologists, but if we take non-specialist participants in the course, they are either currently studying psychology, or undergoing therapy, keeping diaries, or reading specialized literature. In general, they are also in the field of psychology, it is not an empty phrase for them. Therefore, I would like to read stories about what interested you in the profession, what professional knowledge, skills and abilities give you. Does your professional outlook on life bother you? Personally, it helps me a lot, and I feel this especially acutely in difficult periods. Of course, there are psychologists among us - those who literally dreamed of a profession from childhood, or were immersed in the atmosphere of psychological science, since there were psychologists or psychotherapists in the family . But still, I dare to think that many of us entered the profession on a conscious level, having behind us more than one education and experience in a variety of fields. For example, in addition to receiving a diploma as a psychologist-consultant two years ago, I have diplomas in engineering -economist and teacher of economics and finance. I worked as a teacher at a technical school for nine years, and in the banking industry for about twenty years. But the long-standing dream of my youth - to enter the psychology department of Moscow State University (at that time, perhaps the only department that trained psychologists in the country), came true, albeit in a slightly different way, many years later. I started writing on the b17 website and at the same time studied remotely to become a psychologist. Now, like all of us, I continue to improve in my profession - I study clinical psychology. Homework 8.Write a short essay or a full-fledged expert article about your path to the profession. Non-specialists can write in a diary about what psychology is for them, about their experience of therapy, study plans, or other points that are significant to them related to this science. Do not be afraid of the personal coloring of the text - this is what will be most attractive in this topic. *all articles of the Course are here Friends, join the group to support and communicate with the authors on b17. The cost of participation for a month is arbitrary, this is your donation to the SB card linked to the number +79103664555. Success in creative work!📚
