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Can a manager be ideal? Can he, in one person, be a driver (who does the work here and now), an expert who assesses risks, sees prospects, and analyzes points of growth? Have you ever wondered what kind of manager you are? I. Adisis believes that management is a collective task. Just as a hand has five fingers, a leader must have assistants around him who compensate for his “weak” sides. Management (according to I. Adizes) is a process that helps an organization to be effective and efficient in the long and short term. Effectiveness is a quantitative indicator of achieving set goals, obtaining the required result. “Do the right thing.” Efficiency is a qualitative indicator of the ratio of resources expended (financial, material, time, labor and others) to the result obtained. “Doing things right.” Roles (Functions) of management: According to the Adizes management methodology, in order for an organization to be effective and efficient in the long and short term, it must perform 4 roles: Producing - or producing results. We will call it – Doer (D). It answers questions like: Why do people turn to your organization? Why do they need you? The business (D) of the actor is to satisfy the needs of customers and thereby ensure the effectiveness of the organization in the short term. This feature is measured by the number of people who return to purchase your competitive products or services. Administrating, or administration, let's call Administrator (A) is needed to keep order in organizational processes: the company must do the right things in the right sequence with the right intensity. The administrator's task is to ensure efficiency in the short term. Entrepreneur or visionary, Entrepreneur (P). It defines the direction that the organization should take. Such a person is by nature capable of proactive action in an environment of constant change. This is the function of an entrepreneur who approaches business creatively and is willing to take risks. If an organization successfully performs this function, its services and/or products will be in demand among future customers, which means it will be effective in the long term. Integrating – integration, Integrator (I). A manager must create an atmosphere and value system that will make people work together and prevent anyone from becoming indispensable, which makes the organization effective in the long run. When solving problems, each function is aimed at a specific type of problem: D: WHAT? BUT AS? P: When? I: Who? Ideally, the code of a good leader should look like this: DAPI, or DAPI. Those. It is important that at least one function of the manager (supervisor) is clearly expressed, and that the others are also present and can be updated at the right time. The most hopeless option: ----, or D---, or -A---...What is your leader code? If you want to learn more, come to the “Ideal Leader” training. In this training, we determine the personal code of the manager, together with the participants we predict the further development of managerial qualities, and become more effective managers!
