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September is the time when everyone enrolls their children in clubs, and then shares with each other their impressions of who goes where: football, swimming, drawing, theater studio, robotics, and also preparing for school . I want everything at once, but is it necessary? In fact, preschoolers who attend kindergarten full-time every day do not need clubs. It's like going to a second job after work. Tiring, isn't it? A child who has spent the entire day separated from his family needs to be at home with his parents. They just need to soak up communication with their family, spend a quiet evening at home, exchange impressions of the day, have a leisurely dinner with their family, play, and read. But instead, first you run and run to get ready and get dressed in the kindergarten, then you run from the bus to the trolleybus, and here you have the circle. There's another hour and a half or two classes and then run home, have a quick dinner, shower and go to bed. Deborah McNamara is a consulting clinical psychologist and teacher with more than 25 years of experience working with children, adolescents and adults, in her book "Peace, play, development" indicates that "investment in developmental activities does little to strengthen the parent-child relationship. Too busy a schedule leads to stress, anxiety and decreased creativity." The best developmental activity for a preschool child is free play. A time game in which a blue car turns into a green plane, an ordinary table turns into a racing track, and a small room turns into a spaceship, then into the desert, or even into Paris. Sound familiar? Why do children need play? The game contributes to the discovery and development of the child’s personality; it helps the child answer the question “who am I.” In the game, the child tries on different roles, acts out various everyday situations, and develops his creative side. Play promotes the growth and development of the brain. It often happens that a child is enrolled in many clubs, because... He doesn’t play at home, he just watches cartoons, hangs out on his tablet and walks around his mother, languishing with boredom. But in such a situation, mugs are not a solution to the problem. If a child does not play, then you need to look for what is bothering him and solve the problem with the lack of play. There are no children who are not playful. In many ways, parents are driven by the fear that after three it’s too late, and after five there’s no point in starting. It's not too late. The myth that you need to be able to cram the maximum amount of knowledge and skills into a child at an early age has long been dispelled by experts. It is, of course, very difficult for us adults to believe that when a child drives cars in circles or puts dolls to sleep, he is developing. But this is really true, and all psychologists from all fields of science agree on this. Do children who do not attend kindergarten need clubs? For such children, circles can really be useful as a place of communication. Especially if you don’t have a constant social circle. You shouldn’t get too hung up on your child learning something. A preschooler's club is a place where you can have fun. If the child is not having fun and is not interested, then you should look for something else. There should not be many such circles, one or two are more than enough. What should the circles be like? Classes must be conducted in a playful way. The time will come for academic studies. If a child does not obey the teacher and stands on his head during class, then the problem is most often not in the child, the problem is in the teacher who does not know how to capture the attention of the preschooler. Or the child is simply too young even for play activities. Also pay attention to the time of classes: any classes for preschoolers should end by 19-00. When you bring your child to the club for the first time, do not leave during class. Perhaps the child will need your help and will be very upset if he goes out into the corridor and does not find you there. Maybe at first it would be best to even attend the lesson, so it will be easier for the child to get used to the new environment. Of course, it is very disturbing not to take the child anywhere. There is a feeling that a child!
