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If someone doesn’t know about the “frog in boiling water” syndrome, then a little about a real experiment: If you place a frog in a pan of water and heat it up gradually, then the frog will gradually increase your body temperature, thus adapting to environmental conditions. In this case, the heating rate should not exceed 0.02 degrees per minute. When the water begins to boil, the frog no longer has the strength to jump out, because it spent everything on regulating its body temperature during heating. Moreover, if you heat it up faster, the frog will easily jump out of the pan, while saving its life. From a psychological point of view, the “frog in boiling water” syndrome is one of the types of emotional stress, when a person, faced with intractable life situations that cannot be avoided, endures until it is completely exhausted or burns out from the inside. Let's think a little about what the cause of death is: boiling water or a missed moment? Once again I want to draw your attention to the fact that if a frog is immediately placed in boiling water or heated quickly, then the frog will easily jump out in the very In a bad case, you will end up with burns, but at the same time alive! The most interesting thing is that the same thing happens to a person, when something changes very slowly, then often the person simply does not pay attention to it, there is no reaction, no resistance. And then it seems to the person that at one moment everything suddenly became bad: in the family, in relationships, at work, etc. Even when the relationship has reached a dead end, pride and selfish demands go over the edge, it is often difficult to understand how destructive it can be be their influence. A person independently looks for reasons not to change anything: the need for a relationship, being in demand at work, being good to others. And this unhealthy adaptation gradually begins to control a person’s life, makes him a slave to circumstances, controls his entire life. And when this rush hour comes , when there is no longer any strength to endure, it seems that the whole world is against a person, but there is no longer any strength to fight, no longer to defend one’s interests. Most often, a break occurs... stormy, sharp and more often without prepared soil, or a person breaks down inside and stops resisting at all. Where is the golden mean? Where do you need to wait, and where do you need to immediately give feedback? For each person, everything is very individual, someone... sometimes I’m not ready to tolerate even small things, but some people endure for years. Is this necessary? Everyone decides for themselves. If a person has defined his own values, goals and objectives, has formed an understanding of what is good for a person and what is unacceptable, and boundaries have been drawn, then most often it does not reach the boiling water stage and complex issues are resolved as they arise .This is exactly what a person learns in the process of working with a psychologist - to determine his balance, his dos and don’ts, what’s suitable or not. I wish you not to be a “frog in boiling water”, but to react in time and notice changes that you do not like. And it’s even more important to notice positive changes in your life. If you recognize yourself in this article, I invite you to a consultation, we’ll learn to jump without getting burned! Your psychologist, Marina Eremenko. Sign up for a consultation +7 914 673 3907 (Telegram, WA, Viber) VK group Marina EremenkoTelegram Marina Eremenko
