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SYMBOLDRAMA is a psychotherapeutic method of working with a client when symbols, associations and scenarios are used as a way to identify and solve his problems. Instead of directly discussing a complex emotional situation, the client, under the easy direction of a psychologist, can express and explore emotions and conflicts through “waking dreams”, i.e. in-depth study of one’s own unconscious experiences through imagination. This helps to better understand the psychological sources of the problem and find new solutions. This method allows the psychologist to work with a person’s subconscious processes, paying attention to the symbols and metaphors that arise during the therapy process. The motives of symbol drama are at first glance simple: “Imagine some flower, meadow, house, edge of the forest, mountain, etc." However, for a psychologist, each plot has a given purpose in the client’s therapy. By imagining images and describing them, a person gently works through traumas or finds answers to difficult questions for himself, discovers insights, and can express and process emotional traumas and conflicts. In addition, relaxation and emotional unloading occur during the session. Symbols and metaphors that arise during the work can help the client realize his hidden desires, fears and problems, which can then be solved jointly with a psychologist. Another important advantage of symboldrama as a method , is the opportunity to help the client go beyond rational thinking and enter the world of associations. This allows you to look at a problem from a different perspective, enrich your understanding of yourself and the world around you. In addition, the use of symbol drama promotes the development of creative thinking, helps develop new ways of solving problems, and also promotes the development of intuition and empathy. Symbol drama is great in situations where a person is having a difficult time express your feelings related to personal traumatic experiences verbally. "Dreaming" provides them with the opportunity to express their experiences through symbols, associations, actions and dialogues in the imagination. In addition, symbol drama allows the psychologist and client to explore different scenarios of behavior and problem solving in a safe environment. This allows the client to try new approaches to solving their problems, and the psychologist to observe the process and provide support. Finally, symboldrama helps to strengthen the interaction between the client and the psychologist, since in the process of working together on symbols and scripts, a deep understanding and trust in each other arises, which contributes to more effective therapy. Thus, symboldrama is a powerful tool for the work of a psychologist, which helps in the study and solution of the client’s psychological problems, awareness of one’s own emotional sphere and the development of creative thinking. I am waiting for you at my consultations - together we will find a way out of any difficult situation. Taisiya Erofeeva8-926-318-52-07
