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Poverty and trust (or rather, the lack thereof) are strongly related to each other. When we do not trust ourselves, our capabilities, resources and abilities, we block the energy of success in ourselves in advance. We consciously and unconsciously put obstacles in our way to our desires, feelings, and dreams. We look for excuses, find difficulties, refuse the chance given by life, thinking that there is some kind of catch behind this chance. Or that you will have to pay double the price for it, or pay with inconvenience, loss of something, or suffering. We refuse to take risks, without really risking anything, and when we make mistakes, we think that we won’t succeed. In fact, with any mistakes we gain experience and learn lessons. We reduce the number of contacts with other people, or distance ourselves from them, so as not to leave our familiar zone, although we may have been completely uncomfortable there for a long time. We don't trust those who are willing to help us because our own projections prevent us from trusting people. We think that we will definitely be deceived, let down, betrayed, and not fulfill our promises, although we often do all this ourselves, sometimes without even noticing it. In fact, we don't trust ourselves. We evaluate other people by ourselves, trying on our masks, values, beliefs for them. We do not trust our internal processes, nor our experience, nor the result, which will definitely be, though not always what we expected. Sometimes such mistrust is associated with childhood experience, when our parents told us: “Tell the truth, nothing will happen to you for it.” We shared, naively trusting adults, and then received from them such a powerful release of aggression that their lies became sickening and disgusting. At the same time, we learned the first skills of deception, out of fear of being caught again. And this fear of punishment became the first reason for our ability to hide the truth. We quickly learned to lie from the example of our parents. It was safer to lie and hide the truth. Sometimes distrust of the world is associated with previous experiences. Our friends, relatives, partners (and we ourselves, let’s be honest with ourselves) did not keep their promises, failed with deadlines, and forgot about meetings and agreements. So gradually we acquired a protective shell of distrust in people and distrust in relationships. And so our thinking, our behavior, our actions, habits, beliefs, and our psyche were gradually formed. The psyche and thinking of poverty. We ourselves have closed ourselves off from this world and its possibilities and continue to do this often, pushing away resources, a helping hand and support, for fear of being deceived again. And only we ourselves can open up to the world, its energy, open up to people, being the first to extend our hands and provide support first to our inner child, to ourselves. And by learning to help ourselves first, we can learn to help others. ©A.Zabaluev. Excerpt from the book “Family as Parts of Speech” Master the profession of a family psychologist for 5800 rubles. per month at a time convenient for you. Diploma of retraining (500 academic hours) https://www.b17.ru/trainings/semeynoe_konsultirovanie_2/
