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Entering into abusive relationships is a very complex and multifaceted problem that can have various causes and factors. Women who enter into abusive relationships may have different personality profiles and backgrounds, however, there are some common traits that may be the reason for this choice. One of the most common reasons women enter into abusive relationships is low self-esteem. Women with low self-esteem may unconsciously believe that they deserve some level of violence and do not know how to protect their interests and the boundaries of their personal space. They may often doubt their abilities and, as relationships develop, begin to see themselves as dependent on their partners. Another reason may be a commitment to strong emotional experiences and hobbies. Women who seek new sensations and emotions or want to experience themselves in extreme conditions may enter into abusive relationships. They may place great importance on their ability to fix their partners or their desire to change them for the better. A third common reason for entering an abusive relationship is fear of loneliness. Women who have difficulty establishing and maintaining healthy relationships may enter into abusive relationships because they fear being left without the support and affection of another person. Working on self-esteem and the ability to build healthy relationships can help these women avoid repeating toxic patterns of behavior. Abusive relationships have the dynamics of a repeating scenario in the life of the victim. Entering into an abusive relationship is a complex and difficult experience that can affect a woman's psychological and emotional well-being for a long time. Therefore, if you feel in a harmful relationship, do not hesitate to contact psychologists and other specialists who will help you understand the situation and find positive solutions. Read the continuation of the article in my next publications. Sincerely, your psychologist Daria Viktorovna Lyapkalo. If you want to analyze your individual case and find a solution, then sign up for a consultation Telegram, WhatsApp +7 952 246 08 60 Sign up for a therapeutic group for people in codependent relationships (online)
