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From the author: Article-reflection on the phenomenon of varying depths of understanding of feelings, problems, and other significant social concepts. AWARENESSHave you ever noticed that when you tell people about some important information, they often say: “I know!”? But for some reason they do exactly the opposite. From an article on Facebook. I read an article on Facebook. How correctly the author wrote it. And there is also a phrase: “The whole life can lie between understanding and realizing.” How many times have I been convinced of this! It happens, you know, you can do it and do it successfully. And you understand why it always works only after years of practice. I also had such a case. Why is this happening? A person needs to believe in something, to be confident in himself. Therefore, he also considers the knowledge that he has to be correct. But real knowledge and understanding must be felt, as they used to say, “In the gut.” Soul. And this is more difficult. Until this is realized on a subconscious level, it is not part of the natural way of behavior. After all, although we are civilized, we still live by instincts. It is precisely to curb them that various rules and norms of behavior in society were invented. This is why, if some rules are not understood, we... everyone knows that smoking is harmful, but we smoke anyway. We know that if we throw garbage on the streets and in nature, it will be dirty all around, but we throw it anyway. We know that thoughts are material, but we think negatively, etc. real, conscious knowledge is always the focus of attention. This is precisely why it helps us without fail. Take, for example, the well-known “figure-ground” formula. How sometimes you want to change it, cancel it, as the monkey would say in one cartoon. But no. Moreover, even numerous personal experiences do not help us realize this! And only when it becomes part of your psyche. That is, thoughts and emotions are really added when it is perceived calmly and naturally, philosophically, then with the help of this simple technique you can achieve amazing results in work, study, reflection, and simply in finding a lost necessary thing! )By combining thoughts, feelings, emotions, spontaneity in knowledge, you will receive true awareness of knowledge. These are the thoughts that were inspired by a seemingly simple article on Facebook. Write what you think about this. Maybe they disagree with me on something. I’ll be glad to read, discuss, maybe learn something, or realize something anew for myself.
