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The month began on the 30th lunar day - the day of harmony, forgiveness, unconditional love. Its symbol is the “Golden Swan.” Before 12:00, it was necessary to complete all the affairs of the previous month in order to prepare for a new cycle of development, which marks the new moon, which occurred at 12:01. This month is special in that it has two new moons - at the beginning and at the end of the month. On the first lunar day, it is good to plan the future, form mental images of your achievements, desires, and projects. We are sowing the seeds of our future “harvest”, so we need to be especially careful in our thoughts and emotions. Mars took over the retrograde baton from Mercury on March 1, and Saturn will join it on March 2. Mars will look back, illuminating the path traveled with a “torch” for 2.5 months. He will identify mistakes and shortcomings in the area of ​​application of our efforts, calling on us to correct them. Sometimes these will be very persistent and convincing demands with a hint of coercion. And he will create the first tense situation on March 1st. A large square with the participation of Mars, Venus and the Lunar nodes, coupled with the T-square of Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus, provokes conflicts, clashes, and military actions. Mars, on the other hand, seeks to clarify the relationships of long (or recently) past days, to express grievances of the past, to recall past suffering. Some will even be drawn to blood feud. But we must remember that by starting a conflict during the period of retrograde Mars, we doom ourselves to a deliberate loss in it. Mars entered the loop back in December last year and the first harbingers of today’s events already made themselves felt. A conflict of interest between partners or opponents (Mars in Libra), be it spouses, co-owners of a business, countries or neighbors, outlined the range of issues that will be resolved in these two and a half months. And they will reach their final completion only when Mars leaves the loop - on July 21 of this year. Even earlier, Venus began to express dissatisfaction with the established order, the system of relations, thus undermining the authority of the authorities and doubting the justification and fairness of the existing system. But the maximum negative manifestation of Venus is hysteria or deprivation of pleasures of the opposition side. The intervention of Mars is always militant and often destructive. Following Mars, Saturn will shake, testing for strength, the framework of both business and personal relationships, including government foundations, structure authorities and any other systems. Unstable or unstable links, as well as links that do not fit together, will fall out, which, if there are a large number of them, can lead to the complete collapse of the existing building. Saturn will contribute to the destruction of not only buildings with a weak foundation or load-bearing structures, but also social formations and political systems , as well as intra-family or intra-industrial relations until October 27, when he comes out of the loop. Meanwhile, Parus continues to delight us with its ability to achieve its goals, provided that efforts are concentrated on the latter. March 6 is an interesting day. Firstly, Venus enters the sign of Aquarius. This means that we begin to be interested in everything extravagant, modernist, and unusual. We are attracted to new ideas, discoveries, inventions, as well as people who stand out from the crowd. But intense aspects of Venus can provoke an overly modernist spirit, inappropriate behavior, perverted forms of self-expression. Jupiter becomes direct on the same day. Social movements are becoming even more active, and the desire for expansion and seizure of territory is developing. And given the participation of Jupiter in the T-square with Uranus and Pluto, this can provoke armed conflicts, clashes, riots and revolutionary movements. Against such a background, it is very easy to succumb to the influence of the crowd and begin to produce aggression and irritation. Apart from irrational expenditure of vitality, energy and undermining your health, this will not give anything. So it is advisable to maintain emotional detachment, balance and equanimity, regardless.
