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Even those who have never given birth know for sure what postpartum depression is. But in perinatal psychology there is also the concept of baby blues, which many people unknowingly confuse with postpartum depression, and yet these are completely different things. The very word “depression” already suggests that this is something clinical, accordingly, postpartum depression is serious a disease that requires drug treatment and observation by a psychiatrist. Not everyone experiences postpartum depression, but baby blues happen to almost all mothers who give birth for the first time. Baby blues or postpartum blues occur due to hormonal changes after childbirth, as a response of the psyche and body to a new life situation. This usually happens 7-10 days after birth. For some, the baby blues are very pronounced, while for others it goes almost unnoticed; it all depends on how the expectant mother perceives childbirth, how she prepares for it, and how the birth process itself goes. It is believed that partner childbirth significantly eases the baby blues, but it cannot be avoided at all. No matter how the expectant mother prepares for childbirth, after childbirth serious realizations occur that cannot be ignored: - the understanding that you are now responsible for the baby; - that life now it will go differently; - that your rhythm of life will change; - mixed feelings (at the beginning) towards the baby; - fear of how to feed him, bathe him, walk with him; - anxiety when the baby is sleeping (approach and check whether he is breathing or not). All These realizations undoubtedly affect the body and psyche, which give a response, the same baby blues. Baby blues is by no means a pathology, not a clinical disease, it is the norm. The body experienced stress, plus hormonal imbalance, a lot of different feelings after childbirth experienced one after another. After all, a young mother experiences not only happiness and love from the birth of a baby, but also fear, despair, irritation, helplessness, and all this undoubtedly affects the body. Since baby blues is a natural reaction of the body, it goes away on its own and requires treatment only when its symptoms become stronger over time. Symptoms of baby blues: - low mood; - tearfulness; - sensitivity; - frequent grievances; - excessive emotionality; - irritability; - reluctance to do anything, even take care of the child. In fact, this is a total loss of strength. Symptoms of baby -blues are very similar to the symptoms of postpartum depression, the difference is that when experiencing baby blues, mommy has the opportunity and desire to experience pleasure and joy from anything, even at times. This could be communication with your husband and child, gifts, surprises, good films and cool music. This is a very significant difference between the baby blues, which should always be taken into account, since with postpartum depression there can be no talk of pleasure, joy. Why then, if baby blues is considered the norm, many women keep silent about it or completely deny that they have it was? It's all about society, about the demands placed on mothers. Sometimes a young mother is simply ashamed to admit that she does not want to take care of her child; she is ashamed to admit even to herself, because she does not understand the reasons for her condition. If you have already given birth, remember your experience in the maternity hospital. How did the nurses treat you? Some were lucky and the medical staff were unusually kind and hospitable, but most often the nurses look at the young mother with bewilderment. When it comes to how to wash, swaddle and feed a baby, no one really explains this and believes that a woman who has just given birth, apparently subconsciously, should know this. And all this doesn’t end with being discharged from the maternity hospital, people immediately appear around you who, with their appearance, behavior and advice, show how wonderful “motherhood” is, so being in a state of “baby blues” it’s somehow embarrassing to admit that things aren’t going well for you yet. In this regard, there is still a plus for modern mothers’ blogs on the Internet; many mothers there tell without embellishment how motherhood was and is given to them from the very first days of childbirth. That is why.
