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From the author: Reflections on the topics of professional choice, identification, secondary orientation of a novice psychologist and his credo. Now I wanted to write about another one of my experiences from the very beginning of my professional life. This is something from the topic “you are a psychologist” and a little more about the fact that every psychologist at some point faces a choice: what kind of psychologist am I. Ever since my student years, I was tormented by the discrepancy between some expectations, including my own, that “ What a psychologist should be able to do is what I actually can do. And “everyone knows” that a competent, or another wonderful word “strong”, psychologist must “read” a person right away, understand what he is concerned about, what complexes he has, whether he may turn out to be aggressive/dangerous/unobligatory/disrespectful, etc. . He must also be able to change a person’s life with one or two words, make him give up his choices, make him do something else. Therefore, you need to be afraid of him and be on guard with him. He also knows how to control all his manifestations, he does this 24 hours a day and his every movement is carefully verified (oh, I think I got carried away)). It’s as if Sherlock Holmes was crossed with Agent 007. The most interesting thing is that with experience, greater professional insight, intuition and scent actually “grows”, but there is no interest in applying all this as it was imagined at the beginning (to bring everyone to clean water). But I I really got carried away, but I want to say this. That starting to be a psychologist you can determine what you want to do and what you want to use the profession for. And that there is such a use for a psychologist when he works on a polygraph and identifies criminals, recognizes liars or unreliable employees, when he evaluates employees for an employer in order to identify potential leaders, ordinary employees, especially stress-resistant people, etc., when he participates in the selection for participation in some project or work on a potentially dangerous object or equipment, or simply to understand whether such a person will fail in an important business transaction, whether he will withstand stress and tension. Such a psychologist does not learn his skills quickly either, but these skills can be acquired. But what is important is that this is not a helping psychologist. This is not a humanistically oriented psychologist and, in my opinion, these positions are incompatible. That is, I really think that if you help people cope with their lives, difficulties, crises, help them find support in their own personality, help them respect and accept themselves, build their own unique path in life, then by definition you have a different color cloak, Sorry, other values ​​and supports in work. Such a specialist cannot treat his clients as an object, because roughly speaking, “we are both just people on this earth,” we recognize and respect each other’s uniqueness and the focus of our attention is completely different. What other psychologists are there? There is also confusion between psychologists those involved in personal work, assistance in relationships, conflicts, experiences, and there are psychologists involved in the development and research of cognitive processes, correction of learning difficulties, etc. It has its own tools and its own tasks. Neuropsychologists do this kind of work, but not only. This is a very important job and it is worth its weight in gold! And again, combining it with the resolution of personal problems and difficulties, while providing support in experiencing moments of crisis and helping to build relationships and defend oneself in conflict, for example, would be a very difficult task. Perhaps these are not all the puzzling roles that are offered to a psychologist. These are only the three that I myself lived and made a choice between. My choice is probably obvious to everyone and I may be biased because I chose the “best”)). But you also have to choose your “best”. Write in the comments what other incompatible branches there are in our multifaceted profession, including.
