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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert on television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, master of NLP, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Liliya Sometimes we don’t know and don’t suspect that there are thought forms at whose frequencies we resonate. I’ll give an example to make it clear. For example: “I want to smoke” - resonates at the frequencies of a smoking person, and he starts smoking. Or: “I come to the store and start buying more than I planned, therefore, there is a thought form that has a call: “I want to buy And, “. since, in general, people go to the store to do shopping, there are a lot of such thought forms there, and they can influence us, causing an indecent desire: to buy as much as possible, spending every penny. We just don’t think about it , what the space is filled with. And, as you can see, it can be filled with a variety of things, and not always positive, for example, such as: “I want to dance (nightclub, as an option), and a bunch of thought forms echo in response: “I want, I want... let's dance." Now that you understand what we are talking about, let's try to deepen this topic, and move in a different direction, but perhaps more meaningful for us, and go straight to our home. Let's analyze what's there? For example, a child does not want to go to school. Often there is a thought form hanging in his room: “I won’t go,” “I don’t want to,” “I want to sit at the computer and not go to bed or do homework.” And due to frequent disputes with parents, these thought forms become denser and stronger, and even, something strange may arise: the parents themselves may begin to provoke scandals with a child who does not want to do something. But, in their room there will be another thought form hanging: “Wow, now I’ll give him a hard time!”, or fear: “well, now , again, will begin again...” A thought form is a certain, often meaningless matter, something akin to parts (those who are in the subject of NLP know about the theory of parts). But parts are native, inside, what affects us, and this is external space. No one tracks or controls the thought form. Often we don’t pay any attention to this at all, and we get an unexpected result. Recently, I began to observe thought forms and feel them. Perhaps, from now on, this topic will become more interesting for you. Try to think: what lives in your personal space? What is “hanging” in your corridors, or places that you visit. If you are an observant person, then I assure you, this will surprise you. So, what is the conclusion or output of this stream of thought forms? - There is a way out! First, we monitor thought forms. Second, we stop resonating at their frequencies. For example: “Let’s go, I’ll go to the refrigerator.” Wow, now we’ll eat some sausage.” And that’s it, the thought form grows to unprecedented sizes, like the weight itself. There is a third option - to cleanse the space of thought forms. How? - everyone has their own methods. - As you wish. It is better that you believe in it, for example, someone rings a bell, thereby eliminating negative fields; others ventilate the room, some walk around the apartment with a candle and harmonize the space, others visualize hated thought forms and destroy them using their own methods. There are those who listen to the classics and harmonize themselves and the space at the same time. There are also more productive and faster methods for eliminating complex thought forms, for example, when there is a sick person in the house, or when you are hospitalized, and what will you encounter besides your own difficulties in health is unknown. It happens - they come with one diagnosis, but it is accompanied by something else that was not before
