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Good afternoon, Dear Friends! We continue to talk about how to properly treat all kinds of insults. The first part of this series of articles, by the way, was published here, and the second here. Yes, it happens that we are attacked with an insult completely suddenly, and we are lost, we do not understand how best to react in this situation, we can fall into some kind of then even a slight stupor. And then, alone with ourselves, we figure out how we would take revenge on the offender, what we would say to him at that moment. But is this what we are spending our precious time on? Does this all make sense? I think it doesn't. And it’s also worth learning to stop yourself in such grinding of past failures; this skill also depends on training. Although, of course, some deeper things may be touched upon here, for example, childhood grievances. But we may not understand this, we may not understand why such things (attacks of others) hurt us so much. If so, then this is a reason to seek professional help. In general, it turns out that the other person who insulted us managed to lead us onto the shaky bridge of the conflict and force us to play by its rules (remember here what was written in the second part) . We were drawn into a conflict imposed by them. It's worth it? Do we need it? Again, you can apply to yourself in this situation the miraculous question “For what?” Why do we need to dive into all this? Why should we ruin our mood? Why, perhaps, even destroy yourself? Is someone who has insulted us worthy of us paying such incredible attention to him? Who is our boss? Ourselves or the other one? If we are ourselves, then we can react differently to what is happening. We can choose what to do with our emotions. But how important is what happened to us within the framework of our entire life? Perhaps this is a trifle, unworthy of attention. All of the above also helps in that we switch our attention from others to ourselves, to what is happening to us. We don’t fall into an unnecessary cycle with unpleasant experiences and thoughts. It’s also important to “ground yourself.” Take a deep breath. Look around. What do you see? What do you hear? What smells do you smell? If you are sitting, feel the pressure of your body on the surface of what you are leaning on. Touch the surface of what you are sitting on. Feel the warmth of your hands and feet, your heartbeat. This exercise is useful, it helps to stop thoughts and come to your senses. I wrote about him once. It can be useful for different situations. Do you need to write about it again? What usually keeps you going? Chatting with a friend? Interaction with a pet? Think about what lifts your mood, makes you feel better, or distracts you. Maybe it’s time to urgently resort to something like this. Yes, in the beginning it may be difficult to switch, but everything, as I mentioned, comes with practice. Not only insults can unsettle us, but also other events. It is important to develop the ability not to get stuck in unpleasant experiences. Thank you for your constant attention! I look forward to your responses to my work below! If you liked the material, please click on “Say thanks”! In order not to miss interesting things, subscribe to my publications! And please share the material on social networks! :) Sign up for a consultation:+ 7 - 9 6 5 - 3 1 7 - 5 6 - 1 2-
