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From the author: Have you noticed that your desires determine your thoughts, fears, emotions and actions? Therefore, there is often an internal conflict between real desires and far-fetched ones. How then to determine your real desires and far-fetched ones? I don’t know a more effective way than observing yourself, your feelings, sensations and thoughts. True desires are always different. What makes them different is that you act instantly to fulfill your desire. This is easy to notice by the immediate needs. You want to go to the toilet and start doing everything to satisfy your need. You just go and fulfill your true desire. The same applies to ordinary desires. For example, you think that you need to learn English in order to travel without communication problems, but something seems to slow you down and you put it off. This is how an internal conflict arises between the far-fetched desire to learn English and the real desire to read a book or surf VKontakte or something else.... Far-fetched desires are always about what is not there now, and what could be if you pulled yourself together and would start doing something about it. Well, or something like that. Blah-blah-blah... An old song, but it sits, like an infection, deep in the subcortex and tells all sorts of stories. These are just dreams for the pleasure of the mind, as you may have noticed. Although this may not always be the case...Behind this far-fetched desire, your real innate desire may also be hiding. It’s just not ripe yet. One way or another, only you will be able to discover this if you stop taking the word of me or some British scientists. By observing yourself, you will discover a lot of new and valuable things. This will be something that you will never hear from anyone, because this knowledge cannot be conveyed in words. It's like an experience. It's like eating a watermelon and not thinking about how cool it would be to eat a watermelon now. You know perfectly well what I mean. At least that's what I think. In conscious observation of what is, you may find that all your thoughts describe your desires, tell you stories about what you need and how your life could change if such and such ...At the same time, you can sit and only dream about it, but do nothing about it. You may ask: - Why does this happen? This question can best be answered by you yourself when you consciously observe yourself. You notice that all your actions and thoughts are aimed at obtaining pleasure and in various ways to avoid suffering, pain and discomfort. Simply put, you crave pleasant sensations and avoid unpleasant ones. Living for the sensations. This is fine. All animals live like this. Note that we do specific actions not for the sake of thoughts, but for the sake of sensations. Identification with sensations is much deeper and more unconscious than identification with thoughts. At the same time, our attention is more in thoughts, since it is much more interesting to think about what you feel and sense, that it is simply to feel and experience the present moment as it is. Isn’t it? At least I believed in it, even without realizing it. It's like a dream. While you are sleeping, your neighbor may drop dishes on the floor, and at that time you may dream that an expensive vase has fallen in the palace where you are the queen or emperor of some banana republic. Therefore, if you can, pay more attention to what is in reality and you will notice your unfulfilled desires, which can manifest themselves in the form of fears, suppressed pain, suppressed emotions, obsessive thoughts and actions aimed at avoiding or compensating for existing shortcomings. Our personality is all desires and fears packaged in mental stories about ourselves. “I’m a loser, no one understands me, “And I don’t understand myself. I don’t understand what I want and why I live...” “I can do this, am I a weakling or something...” Etc., etc. Watch yourself for at least a couple of months,")
