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This happens: a person is equally attracted to two things, he rushes between them and cannot choose. The situation, frankly speaking, is unenviable, because a person ends up “everywhere and nowhere.” It is impossible to practice two professions equally well. Having a hobby is also not always right, especially if a person loves his hobby more than his main profession. This is a dead end path, because... in his main business a person will not reach heights. It’s better then to think about how to turn a hobby into a job. I’m very familiar with this situation. There was a period in my life when I became so passionate about the fine arts that I already wanted to give up a well-developing career and spend all my savings, and most importantly, all my time on studying. For a long time I tried to combine and be satisfied with a couple of hours of drawing a week. But the more I immersed myself in the topic, the more I wanted to truly test my strength in art. As a result, after long negotiations between mind and heart, my mind agreed to take a cautious risk: I signed up for a professional training course. To do this, I even had to go on academic leave at the Institute of Psychoanalysis, where I had just entered. I tried to be a diligent student, completed all the assignments, drew all the performances, studied in class beyond what was required. The situation became clear quite quickly. After about six months of actively immersing myself in the topic, this is what happened to me. One day I spent the whole weekend drawing. And the next day I suddenly took out a book by S. Freud and began to read it greedily. And I realized how much I missed reading and psychology. And since then, oddly enough, I have never picked up a brush or pencil. How it was cut off. Thus ended my love affair with art, leaving behind the most pleasant memories. And all the art materials that I bought with great pleasure and love during my hobby went to my mother, who has more talent in this than I do. Now she paints in oils. And I recovered at the Institute of Psychoanalysis and received a diploma. The moral of this fable: if some profession attracts you so much that you are thinking of running away to it, like running away to a mistress from a hateful wife, you don’t need to restrain yourself, but rather give yourself the opportunity to let your soul go. However, you should do this safely: for example, do not quit right away, but try to work in a new business for a month while you are on vacation at your permanent place of work. Most likely, a month will be enough for you to understand whether it is worth devoting your life to this business, or whether it was just a passing hobby.
