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In every evil there is good, And in every good there is evil. This article does not apply to persons with biological depression, which is described in ICD-10. As well as to persons for whom depression is a character structure. Here I want to describe ways people's behavior and responses to major life changes that lead to depression. For example: a series of losses, blocked needs, lack of resources... Moreover, I want to emphasize that not only negative changes can lead to depression, but also positive ones: getting married; promotion; moving to a new home; unexpected inheritance or winnings. Depression is stopped activity. Try to do something and stop yourself. After a while, you will notice that your mood is somehow off, emotional dissatisfaction, gloomy thoughts, some unpleasant sensations in your body, and the like. In general, depression - as a reaction - is a natural and healthy process. And if this condition is not familiar to you, then it is quite strange. It is important to notice how I get depressed and how I come out of it. Prevention of depression is to pay attention to your internal processes and complete unfinished business. How was it customary in your family to react to any strong events? Did you express your emotions violently, expressively or intelligently, quietly, restrainedly? If the stress of novelty was not expressed emotionally, if it was not customary to “burden” others with your problems, then most likely you can often find yourself depressed. Since information is not processed and, as a result, the necessary resources are not accumulated. Some bad advice: 1 Step. If your close friend, loved one, loved one shows strong emotions, bewilderment, confusion, anger, protest that his situation has changed a lot. This is the best moment to drive him into depression. You just need to muffle his feelings. Start to calm him down and console him. Moreover, with these actions you will relieve your anxiety well! Tell him that everything is fine, nothing happened, nothing bad. “Everything is bullshit! Do not mind it! Let's have a drink! etc. And don’t even think about acting as an antidepressant! For example, admit that he has the right to such strong emotions and reactions. Don’t even think about admitting that he needs time and resources to accept the new situation. Step 2. If you succeeded, comfort your loved one. Congratulations. He is already in a reactive state, that is, he has a stable reaction to stress - anxiety, thoughts returning to the situation. In order to plunge a loved one deeper into depression, it is necessary to note that memories of the past harm the present. Therefore, there is no need to think about the past situation. And recommend positive techniques, think about something good and pleasant. Avoid anti-depressive behavior. Do not allow him to restore contact with your feelings, thoughts, experiences, and anxieties about the past situation. Moreover, if a person is at the second stage, then he probably won’t be able to cope alone. And only another person, especially a professional psychologist, can help him find the resources to survive that situation. Step 3. The person is already in a depressed state. There are no feelings. They are missing. There may be thoughts about your guilt. They may suffer from headaches or other somatic ailments. In order not to change your line of behavior, react to this approximately as follows: “Yes. It's a pity that the person is sick. But it's good that I calmed down. Everything has passed.” Here a person needs the help of a professional psychologist, and maybe even a doctor. There are many situations in life when we use habitual, established patterns of behavior that stop activity: For example: – Don’t make noise! Mother sleeps! – stopping the child’s needs, interest, excitement. – Forget about her/him! Let's go find a new friend now! – stopping the feelings associated with breaking up a relationship. – Don’t worry! Do not Cry! – we say when a person is in pain. – Don’t be angry! - we forbid to show!
