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From the author: I present to you the following article on the topic of post-traumatic rehabilitation of each individual. The ability to change the process of perceiving reality is often more useful than changing the content of perceived realityRichard BandlerThe next element suffering from a traumatic situation is self-esteem or self-esteem. Very often people suffer from an inadequate assessment of their capabilities, their meaning and position in the world around them. How does this non-resource pattern manifest itself in behavior? The first option is when internal beliefs like “worthy / not worthy” work, and a person, based on past experience, determines his position and actions in a specific situation. At the same time, we observe a “confident” decrease in our importance, a retreat into “secondary roles,” a refusal of potentially successful actions, or, as Brian Tracy said, “unconscious sabotage of success.” Another option is when a person does not evaluate himself at all, but completely passes this on to others to people. This leads to procrastination, indecision in action, passivity, and obsession. Much has been written about the mechanisms of the emergence of self-doubt; moreover, it is not always possible to find in a person’s life exactly the traumatic moment that launched an unsuccessful strategy in him, and those episodes that consolidated it. Therefore, I will go straight to the exercises that will help improve self-esteem and increase self-confidence. All exercises, as a rule, are aimed at 2 goals - strengthening the internal decision-making strategy (internal reference) and the formation of positive beliefs, that is, those supporting strategies that will improve the quality of life and create new resource experiences. Here are some practical tasks: 1. Reconfiguring filters One of the most effective techniques is keeping a diary of daily successes. Get yourself a notebook in which you will write down your progress every day. At least 5 episodes per day. It is best to do this in the evening, summing up the results. It won't be easy at first, but then you will start to enjoy it. How long should you practice? As much as you like. The process of internal changes usually unfolds after 1.5-2 months of continuous work. A few points to help at the initial stage: There are no mistakes in life, there are only experience and feedback. So what have you learned today? A problem is just an indicator of your desires. So what do you want? What purpose have you discovered today? You have all the resources to achieve results. Imagine that you have achieved your goal. What do you feel? Where are you? Who you are? So what useful resources have you discovered today that will help you?2. Love yourself. Make it a rule to praise yourself for every independent decision and successful episode in life. Even if you don’t want to do it or you don’t think it’s appropriate. First, praise yourself for starting to keep a Success Diary.) Come up with incentives yourself: a chocolate bar, a trip to the cinema, a new book. And praise yourself for coming up with your own way! In addition, I advise you to pay special attention to yourself and begin (even if through force) to take care of yourself in general. The easiest place to start is with the body: gymnastics, self-care, thoughtful and neat appearance, etc. 3. Working with beliefs. It is definitely worth working with your internal judgments about yourself. Write at least 5 short phrases that define you in the following areas: - how you are moving in your career, what are your prospects, - your attitude towards money, - your family situation and your opinion about your relationships, - your health, - your interests and hobbies, - your sex life, - your development, training, self-development, - how you relax. It is advisable that the phrase be formulated affirmatively in relation to you. For example, “I am an experienced specialist and plan to take the post of deputy. boss." Or “I always don’t have enough money.” Or “Women are people from another planet”, “I am the main breadwinner in the family”, “I am responsible for the whole house, children and husband”... Now leave the phrases that you like and help/56401/
