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It often happens that some traumatic aspects of life cause inconvenience to a person, cause anxiety and stress. In order to somehow protect oneself from experiences, the personality, according to modern analysts, seems to split into two parts: one is prone to experiences and sympathy, the second is absolutely indifferent. Today we will talk about such a defense mechanism as isolation. It resembles repression and intellectualization. However, if during intellectualization the feelings associated with a certain thought are suppressed, and when repressed they go into the unconscious, then when isolated they remain in the preconscious. photo source: https://www.freepik.com By resorting to isolation from reality, a person moves away from people . He wants to abstract himself, hide in his own world, minimize all contacts, so as not to experience the feelings associated with the experience of affect. The worst thing is that he finds it quite normal. Often such people devalue others, demonstrating their arrogance. Primitive isolation manifests itself in infancy. A child, faced with stress, isolates himself from reality without even realizing it. When upset, most often the baby falls asleep, sending his consciousness to another state. An adult cannot afford to solve all problems with a simple dream. One of the worst scenarios is for a person to go to “another world” with the help of alcohol or drugs. Photo source: https://www.freepik.com Prejudices instilled at an early age play a significant role. A guy who has been told since childhood that men don't cry will isolate his feelings throughout his life. Yes, he is worried, worried, but he keeps it to himself. The same is with women who imagine themselves to be “strong and independent”, who perceive any manifestation of feelings as weakness. Such people from the outside seem indifferent, indifferent to what is happening. In fact, they are overly sensitive, but the fear of being misunderstood or judged alienates them from loved ones and friends, dooming them to loneliness. Schiziodal individuals often use this defense. Photo source: https://www.freepik.com Sometimes it is difficult to admit that loneliness is not a cause, but a consequence. If a person has realized that he is really avoiding the experience, if he is ready to start working on himself, this is the first step towards victory. However, restoring emotional sensitivity is not at all easy. Even when visiting a psychotherapist, such people “protect themselves” by isolation. You can’t just knock on the closed door of your inner world and expect that it will be opened for you right away. You will have to walk more than one circle, hover around the threshold, look for the key and let the person know that help is very close - you just need to open the door. Valery Piyanzov Analytical psychologist. Clinical psychologist. Phone WhatsApp, Telegram: +7 985 118-19-40 Website: http://piyanzov.ru
