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The issue of parent-child relationships has always been very acute at all times. So, for example, in previous centuries it was considered normal that girls get married at 13-14 years old and give birth to children, and high ranks should be the same. But time passes, history, the constitution, laws, everything changes, children grow up, but some insults, misunderstandings, reproaches are still present. Marriage at work For parents, regardless of age, a child will always be a child. Even if you are wiser, smarter, more active, the “my child” mark will always be there. One way or another, everyone has heard reproaches from their parents, and sometimes even opposition to you as an adequate and adult person, which led to certain scandals. Let's look at two things as an example: Moving Moving as a defective product? If a person decides to move to another city, and a parent sees this, reproaches like: What should you do there? Stay here, everything is nearby, we’ll help you with a little help. Well, this is a city, what haven’t you seen there? It’s also good here! Why should you go there? Find yourself a girl/boyfriend and live happily ever after. Such reproaches and devaluation of your choice can serve as the following things: I’m afraid to be alone, be with me. I wouldn’t want you I was leaving, because I might not be able to cope / I would be lonely. You will live your own life, in which I am not present. There can be a bunch of such things that you can’t count on your fingers. But, the most interesting thing is that after the fact that, despite the decision made, insults can be used that are not, from the parent’s point of view, offensive: You are defective You are somehow not correct You lived like everyone else Such things weight. This is the part when the parent can no longer restrain him rationally and tries to put pressure on him emotionally, which makes it even worse, because he wants to run away from emotional pressure even faster and further away. Work/studyWork/study of unfulfilled hopes? I think everyone’s “favorite” thing here is like a parent’s word about entering a university and being what the parent of their child wants to see. It seems that parents are raising their children like pigs, who can be used in the future for consumption and their own benefit. What lies behind this? Unfulfilled hopes and desires of the parent in achieving this or that area (If not me, then she will be like this). Certain thoughts about the child as a status thing. (Look, my son/daughter is a lawyer!). As if to say, “This is prestige.” Non-separation of the parent from the child. An attempt to control. All these desires to keep the child on a leash in order to: Perhaps get some benefit. In which case, use him as a thing (in a normal, healthy mother-child relationship, the child will be able to help on his own , you don’t even have to ask). Don’t be in the eyes of other people a person who raised a bad child (look! What will the neighbors say, did you think?). Friends, these things, in my opinion, are the most basic. Of course, there may be much more of them, and the analysis of these views and situations is decided individually at a meeting with a specialist, but we can say the reasons for what this means: Parents do not want to let the child into the larger world. Fear of loneliness and death. Fear of helplessness. No someone you can take care of. In any case, friends, if you decide to go, or decide to study, listen to yourself. After all, having followed the advice or mentoring of your parents, there is a possibility that you will not forgive or not come to terms with their choices towards you. Try it while this opportunity really exists. Friends, if you liked the article, I will be glad for your activity and “heart” under the post :)
