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From the author: The article examines the main directions in a woman’s self-realization and their role at various stages of personal development. I suggest introducing abbreviations. BC is a Baba with balls, MJ is a Man in a Skirt, BY is Baba Yaga or, simply, a witch. It was very difficult for me to introduce these concepts into the title without cuts, having encountered both personal aesthetic resistance and the protest of loved ones. “Mother, such a headline is not on your level,” said the son. “I would never read an article with that title,” said my best friend. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t replace the phrases in the title. I looked through a lot of synonym dictionaries, but in vain. To reduce emotional charge, I switch to the abbreviations BC, MU. Baba Yaga, however, could have been left behind. As we know from the algebra course, the sum of three multidirectional vector components determine the main direction of movement (development) in space. Throughout life, the magnitude of each of these vectors can vary from zero to a lifetime value. Consequently, the vector component can also change. Let's look at each of these areas. In the case of BC, we are faced with a situation where a woman refuses to live her gender identity. I remember how Virginia Satir said at her only seminar in Russia: “I once realized that in order for men to take me into account, I must learn to work better than them.” At the same time, personal, intimate security and comfort are associated with social, legal, and material security. BCs may refuse to demonstrate feminine behavior. In other cases, they may, on the contrary, exaggerately emphasize it, using it as a weapon to achieve their goal. And the goal here is one - self-affirmation. Very often BC are asexual. Happiness in your personal life is possible here only in the format of suppressing your partner and feeling your power over him and other close people. MJ is the image so beloved by the classics, entering burning huts and stopping horses. A situation when life forces a woman to become stronger than she is. Agree, it is unlikely that anyone will joyfully walk into a fire or throw themselves under a mad horse. With the exception of BC, of ​​course. During war or other difficult trials, a woman takes on both male and female roles. Sometimes it can just be a very talented woman whose life path is determined by her gift. I get associations with Frida Kahlo. Here femininity appears as an element that can be obeyed, but impossible to control. We find the last component, Baba Yaga, only in old age, to which the previous two, perhaps, simply do not live. As far as I know, colleagues, trying to imagine BU in his youth, were inclined to the fairy-tale images of Vasilis and Elena (beautiful, wise). Here femininity triumphs and benefits through endless trust in the environment. And somehow everything works out on its own. And everything that develops relates exclusively to family implementation. But, after all, it may not work out. And external forces can use this openness in different ways. In this form, the woman walks without insurance. And this is very strong. Therefore, they begin to fear her, including men. That's why she is sometimes called a witch. And sometimes - beautiful and wise.
