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From the author: All children face bullying in one way or another: either as a victim, or as an offender, or as a witness, both online and in reality. All these roles have a destructive effect on the child’s personality. The tragedy in Kerch once again makes us wonder what is happening in our society? Various versions of the bloody event: ranging from the “influence of the West” and the participation of foreign intelligence services to poor relationships in the family, with classmates and teachers, the search for family mental disorders. There are many versions, and each has the right to life. But in the search for someone to blame for what happened, one social phenomenon that has long permeated our lives is missed, a phenomenon that has become a disaster and is the cause of many similar crimes in recent times. This social phenomenon is familiar firsthand to psychologists and teachers; it is present in every school and is gradually occupying an increasingly larger territory. The name of this phenomenon is bullying. This is how the psychological dictionary defines this misfortune: Bullying (English: bullying) is aggressive persecution of one of the members of the team (especially a group of schoolchildren and students, but also colleagues) by the rest of the team members or part of it. When bullying, the victim is unable to defend himself from attacks, thus bullying differs from a conflict, where the forces of the parties are approximately equal. Bullying can be in both physical and psychological forms. Appears in all age and social groups. In complex cases, it may take on some features of gang crime. Mobbing is identified as a special form of bullying, where, unlike bullying, when bullying is organized by one (leader) with accomplices, and the majority remain witnesses, bullying is carried out by the majority or all members of the team (micro-society). Experts regard insults, threats, physical aggression, constant negative assessment of the victim and her activities, refusal of trust and delegation of authority, etc. as manifestations of bullying. In our country, bullying has flourished as a problem of hazing in the army. The wave of suicides and reprisals against fellow soldiers was a hot topic in the media. Only thanks to the attention of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers did this problem begin to be solved, changes took place in the army, and such cases have now become rare. But a wave of suicides began to flourish among schoolchildren who became victims of bullying. According to statistics, more than 700 children committed suicide in 2016. Thoughts about suicide appear in 45% of Russian girls and 27% of boys. The rate of depression among teenagers is 20%. More than 90% of suicide cases occur in dysfunctional families. Conflicts in educational institutions are two-sided: teachers bully students, students bully teachers, no less harshly than theirs. The sphere of education is turning into a sphere of conflicts and clashes of generations. Young people have no moral inhibitions, and indirect or verbal aggression can be much more severe than physical aggression. The goal of bullying is to subjugate the weak, morally humiliate, cause fear, and somehow subjugate him. Anyone who is being bullied is unable to defend himself on his own, being subjected to extreme cruelty, he chooses the path of conscious violence for the purpose of self-defense. And in the case of the Kerch shooter, anger at oneself also manifests itself, a readiness to kill oneself... But first, take revenge on those who humiliated him. Video footage of the tragedy indicates that this was a pre-planned and prepared act of retaliation. The shooter killed just anyone, but someone with whom the relationship did not work out, someone with whom there was a long-standing conflict. The conflict is hushed up, hidden from others. That is, everyone knew what was happening, but did not attach any importance to it. For bullying to occur, the following factors are necessary: ​​a closed system, the presence of someone who has lost feedback from the group (management, administration), those who patronize group bullying (teachers, administration ) and those who, as a neutral
