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Did YOU KNOW that some cats bite the “whiskers” - the whiskers of three to four week old kittens, so that they lose orientation and do not get out of the nest? But the whiskers are the most important sensitive organ cats, allows them to “see by touch,” play, learn to hunt, and protect themselves from danger. Here it turns out: it’s calmer for a cat to live, the kittens are in the nest, but they are delayed in developing independence. This sometimes happens with people: parents, WITH WORDS spoken to their children, seemingly as a joke, casually, BREAK off the wings of a dream. And as if with a fortress wall, they BLOCK the way for their growing children into independence and an autonomous life.....and I remember the old story of my youth, when I first wanted to get behind the wheel of a car: my desire was dashed by my mother’s lamentation. Mom, wanting the best for me, of course, said with demanding anxiety: “But you’ll get confused, you won’t be able to drive, you’ll confuse the gas with the brake, left and right, and you’ll definitely crash!” No, this won’t happen, only over my corpse!” I fulfilled my dream, years later. It’s bitter to realize, but I got behind the wheel only after her death... Her words stuck in my mind like a thorn/spell. For many years I looked with envy at girls and women driving, thinking that they were skillful and dexterous, coordinated and more courageous than me. It was unpleasant. However, I was able to overcome my fear. At the very first lesson, the driving instructor - a former officer - calmly and firmly said: “You will drive, I will teach you.” And so, clutching the steering wheel of a broken-down Zhiguli, clenching my teeth chattering with fear, I listen to his short commands: “Squeeze pedal!”, “Don’t slow down, gas!” “Overtake, don’t be afraid!”, “Do you see a pedestrian? Slow down!”, “Well done! That’s good, but you were afraid!” And together with the instructor, step by step, I gradually practice driving skills, parallel parking and other tricks. And now completely DIFFERENT words sound like a PRIORITY in my head. Oh, if only I had been obstinate enough to doubt my mother’s words at least a little! After all, driving a car in our time is a convenience and an urgent necessity. And, as it turned out later, great pleasure. But now I very much understand the desires of people who want to REWRITE words that limit the FREEDOM to be YOURSELF. Often such people come with complaints about the lack of something valuable for themselves: confidence, attractiveness, intelligence, recognition or beauty, independence. In psychological counseling they usually complain about their bad behavior, lack of strength and energy, failures in work or personal relationships. Here are the few phrases they heard from their parents: 💥 🥊 “They wanted a boy, but you were born” 💥 🥊 “What can I take from you, neither fish nor meat...” 💥 🥊 “I dreamed of an angel, but I’m disgusted with you "I wish I could have touched you." ..”💥 🥊 “I don’t need such a lack of hearing and a slob, not hands, but hooks...”💥🥊 “If you behave badly, I’ll put you in an orphanage.”💥 🥊 “You are a walking disaster, there’s always something wrong with you happens" 💥 🥊 "You do everything wrong, without me the chickens will kill you" 💥 🥊 "No one but me will understand you as I do, no one will love you" 💥 🥊 "You will grow up and run away like your rogue father" ♻ So it turns out, words spoken during a sensitive period by loved ones themselves sprout unrealistic beliefs about themselves. Before CHANGING something, you need to figure out what is happening NOW. And find the ROOT of all troubles and problems: 👉🏻 What exactly from parental messages obscures the light, prevents you from going out into people, realize your talents?👉🏻 What false idea of ​​yourself leads you to a dead end, makes you feel flawed, good for nothing? 👉🏻 How do illusions and fantasies distort reality and disrupt the ability to make adult choices? 👉🏻 Why are uncertainties entangled hand and foot and not allowed to take their rightful place in?
