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Part 1. Let's talk about anal personalities. You can find out a little more about how anal personalities appear in adulthood at the link that I will leave here. And today we will talk about anal personalities from the point of view of the main emotion that controls them. What is behind this emotion? Let's talk about how anal personalities behave in life and about obsessive repetitions. In order to understand a little better what obsessive behavior is from the point of view of psychoanalysis, we should accept and understand one important thing. We are controlled by desires. Today we know about two types of attraction - to pleasure and death. There are also partial drives that we sometimes talk about (sadism-masochism, exhibitionism-voyeurism and others). With drives the situation is as follows. You express them directly and then we can talk about deviations in the human psyche (perversion and psychiatry). For example, in the case of the desire for pleasure and its direct satisfaction, we can have cases of, say, sexual violence. In the case of partial drives, we are talking about perverts, for example, an exhibitionist. You associate them with a symptom. For example, an unexpressed emotion may be associated with a psychosomatic illness. When, due to your anger, you develop vascular disease. And then nothing else happens. Your anger (which may be an attraction to the pleasure of dominating people) does not appear. For us, anger took on meaning in vascular disease (high blood pressure). Or we can bind an emotion with repetition compulsion, where we get the opportunity to act out our anger at an object over and over again without expressing it openly. You control drives or sublimate. In the first case, during your own reflections or analysis, you understand your true desire and control it (which is resourceful). In the second case, you understand your desire and realize it in life. For example, if you realized that you really like to present yourself to people, for example, to be noticeable and attract people's attention (which, in essence, is a manifestation of exhibitionism), you can choose a profession or hobby that allows you to do this. Presenter, artist, showman, YouTuber and blogger, bodybuilder - everything is suitable for this. Now let's explain what compulsive repetition is. Repetition compulsion is when you feel like you are repeating some situation or action despite the fact that this situation cannot in any way be called pleasant. And more often, on the contrary, it is traumatic and wounding. Example. The husband informs his wife and agrees with her that the shoes should be on the shelf. And, of course, washed. Then the remark is made that the shoes are not on the shelf again and they are definitely not washed. Then a conflict occurs due to the fact that the shoes never stay in place and are not washed at all. Just don’t confuse this with a normal desire for cleanliness. Everything is determined by measure. How can you understand when there may be obsessions? Obviously from the name, when the conflict is repeated constantly and develops in the same way. Agreement-conflict-reconciliation-agreement...According to analysts, the main and core problem of the internal conflict of clients suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder is repressed anger at parental figures. We, of course, love our parents and experience the strongest affection, but at the same time we hate them very much. Later in life we ​​find images that resonate with us as parents (girlfriend, boyfriend, boss, store clerk).End of Part 1.
