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Let's continue the conversation about psychological maturity and the problems that arise in adults due to delayed mental development at one age or another. Let's talk about the so-called “kindergarten” period of life. Its boundaries roughly correspond to preschool age, starting from the moment when the child begins to walk, talk, communicate and ending with the time when the child begins to study at school. If in infancy a person’s ability to sense matures, then in “kindergarten” emotional development comes first. The first communication lessons are based on intense emotional stimulation. For healthy maturation, it is necessary that adults react adequately to the child and to each other, evaluate him and their behavior. Problems arise when adults approach education formally and replace live communication with manipulating their children using “carrots and sticks.” In these cases, the child learns to do certain actions not consciously, but in order to be praised or not scolded, that is, to be good and not to be bad in the eyes of his teachers. There are also situations when parents pay attention (usually negative) to their child only when he bothers them. Since at least some attention is more important to him than its absence, he gets used to receiving this attention, further provoking those around him to be rude and irritable. In any case, people who received inadequate emotional assessments in “kindergarten age” later become confused in issues , “what is good and what is bad,” and are ready to follow anyone who praises them. Stuck in such a simplistic view of the world and its problems, they divide everything into black and white. Usually they are distinguished by a lack of initiative, a need for guidance and instructions, categorical judgments, and a formal attitude towards anything. They love authorities and always refer to them. They may be fanatically devoted to an idea or an ideologist who justifies them. They are the most boring moralists. God for them is the one who can punish them if they break some prohibitions, or reward them if they behave well. Love in their understanding is, first of all, compliance with marital duties based on a sense of duty. Caring for the health of such people comes down to following the doctor’s instructions. At the same time, a person regularly takes even those medications that make him feel frankly worse, does exercises not in order to feel cheerful, but in order to do each movement the required number of times. Such people can have a smart and neat appearance and at the same time be completely irresponsible. They are protected from any claims by statements like “we didn’t go through this, we weren’t asked this; this was not in the instructions, etc.” But in fact, they are very dependent on their instructions, beliefs and authorities, in which they blindly believe. That is why they are easily controlled by the powers that be, often misleading them for their own selfish purposes. There is only one recipe for emotional immaturity - stop relying on someone else’s authoritative opinions and learn to have your own. And this requires a certain courage.
