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This phenomenon was first discussed in wartime, when the psychology of people who survived concentration camps was studied. Any event associated with military operations, death, or disasters is a priori traumatic, and it is simply impossible to survive it. Survivor's guilt lies in the fact that a person who is left alive or is in better conditions compared to others, instead of rejoicing, experiences a strong feeling of guilt, helplessness from the inability to help, and doubts the expediency of his situation. Those people who, by coincidence of circumstances, did not find themselves in the place where someone close to them was subsequently injured feel especially strongly the guilt: they stayed late at work and came home later, or at the last moment moved to another seat in a car or plane. People around consider this phenomenal luck, but few people think about the burden the survivor carries. Survivor guilt is most often a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder, and this is a very serious mental condition. People with PTSD tend to return to a traumatic situation again and again, subjecting it to analysis, thinking through what options for resolving the situation were possible. This, in turn, leads to feelings of guilt. PTSD has a high risk of suicide. In everyday life, a person may also experience similar feelings. For example, to be ashamed of your position, standard of living. Feel guilty for not being able to help everyone in need. By the way, such feelings can be imposed by society. Remember the comments under the news about events from the world of high society: people there have already counted every penny, accused the rich of wastefulness and are completely perplexed as to how one can rejoice/celebrate something/live beautifully when children in Africa are starving. Over time, some people develop an “armor” towards such statements, while others rush into charity to please the crowd. In ordinary life, survivor's guilt often manifests itself as rescuer syndrome. A situation with traumatic events that do not fit into the everyday picture of the world clearly requires only long-term (sometimes lifelong) therapy from a specialist. Otherwise, a person will have to work with his self-esteem and basic attitudes formed in childhood. Have you ever experienced survivor’s guilt? How did you deal with this? Share your opinion about what you read. Sign up for a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +7 913 380-83-42 Skype: as3808342 Learn to manage your emotions!💪
