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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert of television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, NLP master, best master, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. Author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Lilia” Like all family psychologists, psychotherapists and sexologists who practice on the personal problems of clients, I want to say that dislike is quite big a problem that affects literally all areas of human life. Especially when it stretches from deep childhood, and, for example, a woman can say: she lives with this from a very early age, as was the case with my client from Moscow, with whom I worked as a psychologist-sexologist on her female sexual problem of anorgasmia and frigidity. The girl noted that the relationship with her current boyfriend is not easy. The client lacks love and understanding from him. He perceives her deep-seated internal problems and negative states as some kind of whim, which is not worth worrying about. This often happens: after all, we are all different people, with different upbringings and family arrangements, and often the difficulties of some are completely unknown to others. And, as it turned out, the problem of lack of love, and the unquenchable thirst to be loved, turned into the fact that she constantly proved to him that she was good, and there was something to love her for. Sometimes the client got lost in this desire and did everything to her own detriment. We began to look into this problematic situation. It turned out that the girl’s mother was a rather tough and strict woman. Relationships in the family were not easy, however, as they are now: the girl preferred to communicate with her as little as possible. I helped my client from Moscow realize that she is no longer a little girl, and that mother’s lost love is not so important to her now. She is capable of pleasing herself: pampering her and buying gifts. Along the way, we worked through self-doubt and low self-esteem, a classic work for all family psychologists, psychotherapists and sexologists. The girls added values ​​and acceptance of themselves, others, and the world. Further, as our psychotherapeutic work progressed, as one would expect, it turned out that the lack of orgasm and female anorgasmia and frigidity are not the main problem here. All the client’s difficulties came from her head and problematic childhood. And now the practice of working through the past will be primary here. Next, we came up with the topic of late night sex. The girl was already well over twenty when she had her first intimate partner. It is worth assuming that the client’s sexual constitution is not strong, and as a result, there is little need for sex. And if you consider that she has many blocks and obstacles on the topic of sex and orgasm, then the problem of anorgasmia became even more complicated. The client noted that she probably doesn’t really need sex, but in the end, she still said: “or rather, she doesn’t need it at all. I could live without it if it weren’t for the sexual need of my boyfriend. The main thing for me is a good relationship with my partner.” The main problem in the relationship prevents her from being happy and enjoying life in every sense. Indeed, having worked through the general problem state, I, as a psychologist-sexologist, will probably come directly to the topic of solving her sexual problems with her partner, and difficulties in achieving orgasm: anorgasmia and frigidity. But now we still have preliminary work to do and immediate plans here: relationships with people in general, attacks of aggression and rage, imbalance and spontaneity. The girl doesn't know what her.
