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We live in times of incredible speed. Just a few decades ago, we lived slowly, traveled on carts, called on a wired telephone, did not know what the Internet was, accompanied our loved ones on long business trips and waited for letters from them. And today we literally live in the future. The era of change, artificial intelligence, the development of life in space, microchipping of people, an overabundance of information - all this causes a feeling of stress and anxiety. Any changes, even positive ones, cause anxiety; the psyche needs time to adapt to the circumstances. It takes time to expand consciousness to an endlessly changing world. Therefore, it is important to be able to self-regulate and manage yourself in any circumstances. In this article I will tell you how to recognize anxiety and give several effective exercises for self-help in emergency situations. How to recognize anxiety? increased heart rate, dizziness, fluctuations in blood pressure, sweating, a sour feeling under the tongue, numbness of the hands and a feeling of chills or heat, a feeling of lack of air, suffocation, discomfort in the throat, cramps in the stomach, nausea or vomiting, restlessness, compulsive pacing, a feeling of tension, “cotton legs,” fears (loss of self-control, fear for loved ones, for children, fear of going crazy, fear of death); derealization (feeling of the unreality of the world) or alienation and unreality of oneself (depersonalization); headache reading the news, focusing on negative events and looking for confirmation of your anxiety, when you learn about the tragedy in the news, there is a temporary relief that this is not a problem with you, but in fact it is happening. Answer the questions in writing: What is your problem? associated with the concept of “anxiety” (words/images)? How do you know you're anxious? Write down all the sources and signs. In what situations do you usually experience anxiety? How does anxiety affect your behavior? How does anxiety affect your life? What usually helps you cope with anxiety? Who increases your anxiety? Who reduces your anxiety? Analyze what is written and get rid of the sources of constant stress and anxiety or minimize them. Anxiety differs from fear in its groundlessness, its causes are not realized, while fear is always specific. We need anxiety for survival: it warns of possible danger and encourages us to search for and recognize this danger in order to force us to protect ourselves and our loved ones. It becomes a problem when it becomes background, constant, exhausting, interferes with living, loving, eating, sleeping, working, communicating with people, causes panic attacks or immobilizes, paralyzes and interferes with action, forces you to perform restless, compulsive actions and actions, pushes you into workaholism, promiscuous sexual relations, hoarding, etc. Exercise for switching attention “Inside-out” technique Perform this technique when the anxiety begins, and not at its peak. Describe (without judging) what happens to you at the moment when the anxiety begins, answering to 5 questions: 1. What am I thinking at this moment? 2. What do I tell myself at this moment? 3. How do I feel at this moment? 4. What am I doing at this moment? 5. What are the sensations in your body at this moment? Then describe what is happening around you at the same time: what is there, what details, objects, things. Describe their characteristics (color, material, shape). Describe everything you see and hear for 30 seconds. When it becomes easy, increase the time to 1 minute, 2 minutes, etc. After the time has passed (30 seconds, etc.), turn your attention back to your state: describe what is happening to you at this moment (asking yourself the 5 questions suggested above). And then again describe what is happening outside (30 seconds - 1 minute - 2 minutes, etc.). This technique can be done by performing 2 cycles, increasing the time to 3 minutes. Soap Bubbles Technique This technique helps free your mind from restless, obsessive thoughts. Imagine how you +79162919993
